Critical Exposure in Citrix ADC (NetScaler) – Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
Credit: Suggested steps taken from twitter post by @darkQuassar
Just converted to copy/pastable gist for easy access
cat /var/log/bash.log | grep -Eio "shell_command=.*$" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n && zcat /var/log/bash*.gz | grep -Eio "shell_command=.*$" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
find / -name "*.xml" -exec ls -haltr {} \; | sed 's/ */ /g' | sort -k 8
cat /var/log/* | grep -Ei "vpns|\.pl " && zcat /var/log/*.gz | grep -Ei "vpns|\.pl "
find / -name "*.xml" -newermt "2020-01-10" && find / -name "*.pl" -newermt "2020-01-10" && find / -name "*.py" -newermt "2020-01-10"
cat /var/log/cron | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 10 | sort | uniq -c && zcat /var/log/cron*gz | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d" " -f 10 | sort | uniq -c
Check for recently mod scripts, sort by date, most recent ones at the bottom (you should technically only see /var/
find / -name "*.pl" -exec ls -haltr {} \; | grep -iv "local\/lib" | sed 's/ */ /g' | sort -k
lsof -RPni && lsof -PnP
Could be filtered further using grep
ps auxd | grep nobody
sockstat -c -4 | awk '{ if (substr($7,1,8) != "127.0.0.") print $0}'
find /netscaler -mtime -4 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/ls -ltr
zgrep -Ei "||" /var/log/*.gz
- Critical Exposure in Citrix ADC (NetScaler) – Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
- Initial 0day drop
- Youtube: PoC walkthrough
- Best tool to assess the vulnerability: citrixmash scanner by @x1sec
Hi mate, thanks again for wrapping this up in a gist! Do you think we can update it with two more suspicious process checks?
Check for suspicious running processes and their connections - 3
Check for suspicious running processes and their connections - 4
find /netscaler -mtime -4 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/ls -ltr (ref. Robert @x1sec tweet)
And a new link: