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Last active September 6, 2024 08:07
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DO NOT USE, just set lightning to bfloat16 of float32 instead
# # upon further investigation, it seems the bnb will handle conversion as long as you use bloat16 of float32, float16
# from lightning.pytorch.plugins.precision.precision import Precision
# from lightning.fabric.plugins.precision.utils import (
# _ClassReplacementContextManager,
# _convert_fp_tensor,
# _DtypeContextManager,
# )
# from typing_extensions import Self, override
# from lightning.fabric.utilities.types import _DEVICE
# from torch import Tensor
# from types import ModuleType
# from contextlib import ExitStack
# from lightning_utilities import apply_to_collection
# from typing import Any, Callable, ContextManager, Literal, Optional, OrderedDict, Set, Tuple, Type, cast
# import torch
# from lightning.fabric.plugins.precision.bitsandbytes import _import_bitsandbytes
# class ExistingBitsandbytesPrecision(Precision):
# """Plugin for already quantizing weights from `bitsandbytes <>`__.
# .. warning:: This is an :ref:`experimental <versioning:Experimental API>` feature.
# .. note::
# The optimizer is NOT automatically replaced with ``bitsandbytes.optim.Adam8bit`` or equivalent 8-bit optimizers.
# Args:
# dtype: The compute dtype to use.
# Usage:
# # Customize the dtype, or skip some modules
# from accelerate.utils import CustomDtype
# precision = ExistingBitsandbytesPrecision(
# # dtype=torch.float16
# # dtype=torch.bfloat16,
# # dtype=CustomDtype.INT4, # this is what transformers uses for bnb_4bit
# # dtype=torch.int8, # this is what transformers library uses for bnb_8bit
# )
# trainer = Trainer(plugins=precision)
# Source:
# Refs:
# -
# """
# # Note: you'll notice that the `precision` str class attribute is not defined. This is on purpose because there are
# # many configuration options so `precision="bitsandbytes"` would be ambiguous about which one to use. Additionally,
# # it would create backwards compatibility challenges if better modes or dtypes are added in the future
# # TODO: we could implement optimizer replacement with
# # - Fabric: Add `Precision.convert_optimizer` from `Strategy.setup_optimizer`
# # - Trainer: Use `Precision.connect`
# def __init__(
# self,
# mode: Literal["nf4", "nf4-dq", "fp4", "fp4-dq", "int8", "int8-training"] = None,
# dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
# ) -> None:
# _import_bitsandbytes()
# if dtype is None:
# # try to be smart about the default selection
# if mode.startswith("int8"):
# dtype = torch.float16
# else:
# dtype = (
# torch.bfloat16 if torch.cuda.is_available() and torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported() else torch.float16
# )
# self.dtype = dtype
# @override
# def tensor_init_context(self) -> ContextManager:
# """Controls how tensors get created (device, dtype)."""
# # return nullcontext()
# return _DtypeContextManager(self.dtype)
# @override
# def forward_context(self) -> ContextManager:
# """A contextmanager for managing model forward/training_step/evaluation_step/predict_step."""
# # return nullcontext()
# return _DtypeContextManager(self.dtype)
# @override
# def convert_input(self, data: Any) -> Any:
# """Convert model inputs (forward) to the floating point precision type of this plugin.
# This is a no-op in the base precision plugin, since we assume the data already has the desired type (default is
# torch.float32).
# """
# # return data
# return apply_to_collection(data, function=_convert_fp_tensor, dtype=Tensor, dst_type=self.dtype)
# @override
# def convert_output(self, data: Any) -> Any:
# """Convert outputs to the floating point precision type expected after model's forward.
# This is a no-op in the base precision plugin, since we assume the data already has the desired type (default is
# torch.float32).
# """
# # return data
# return apply_to_collection(data, function=_convert_fp_tensor, dtype=Tensor, dst_type=torch.get_default_dtype())
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