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Forked from HoussemNasri/
Created August 12, 2021 12:46
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Extend your trial period for Balsamiq Wireframes on Windows and macOS


  • python3


  1. Download and install python3
  2. Download the script and extract it
  3. Open the terminal and navigate to the script location
  4. Close Balsamiq
  5. Run python or python3
import json
import os
import time
import webbrowser
import sys
import re
def handleWindows(extra_seconds):
print("OS : Windows")
local_settings = r"{}\Balsamiq\Balsamiq Wireframes\LocalSettings.json".format(os.getenv('APPDATA'))
print("Reading from {}".format(local_settings))
with open(local_settings) as reader:
json_data = json.load(reader)
json_data['DefaultSelectionColorRGBA'] = int(time.time()) + extra_seconds
print("Writing to {}".format(local_settings))
with open(local_settings, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(json_data, outfile)
def handleMacos(trial_days_left=30, debug_mode=False):
print("OS : macOS")
print("Debug Mode: " + str(debug_mode))
def dump_debug(start_func, end_func, content_func, new_func):
print("function start line: {}".format(start_func))
print("function end line: {}".format(end_func))
print("function content:")
print("new function content:")
editor_macos = "/Applications/Balsamiq"
editor_macos_test = r"C:\Users\housi\Desktop\Balsamiq\editor-macos-test.js"
if debug_mode:
editor_macos = editor_macos_test
if not os.path.exists(editor_macos):
print("editor-macos.js NOT FOUND!")
get_trial_days_left_pattern = re.compile(r"\s*function\s+getTrialDaysLeftFromNativeData\(\w+\)\s*{")
func_start_line = -1
func_end_line = -1
found_a_match = False
function_content = ""
with open(editor_macos, encoding="utf8") as reader:
line_number = 0
# it starts at 1 because w have already matched one '{'
curly_braces_balance = 1
for line in reader.readlines():
line_number += 1
if not found_a_match:
match = get_trial_days_left_pattern.match(line)
if match is not None:
found_a_match = True
func_start_line = line_number
# TODO what if the start line is also the end line, One-Liner function
curly_braces_balance += line.count("{")
curly_braces_balance -= line.count("}")
if curly_braces_balance == 0:
function_content = function_content + line
func_end_line = line_number
if func_start_line != -1:
function_content = function_content + line
body = "return {};".format(trial_days_left)
new_function_signature = "\nfunction getTrialDaysLeftFromNativeData(nativeData) {\n\t" + body + "\n}\n\n"
if debug_mode:
dump_debug(func_start_line, func_end_line, function_content, new_function_signature)
with open(editor_macos, encoding="utf8") as reader:
lines = reader.readlines()
# The first -1 to make it base 0 and the second one refers to the previous index
index = (func_start_line - 1) - 1
leading_count = 0
# Removing leading blank lines before the function definition
while not lines[index].strip():
index -= 1
leading_count += 1
# The start and end indexes will change after removing the leading blank lines
func_start_line -= leading_count
func_end_line -= leading_count
# Removing trailing blank lines after the function end
index = func_end_line
while not lines[index].strip():
# Removing the old function
for i in range(func_end_line - func_start_line + 1):
lines.pop(func_start_line - 1)
# Replacing it with the new function
lines.insert(func_start_line - 1, new_function_signature)
# Writing changes back to file
with open(editor_macos, "w", encoding="utf8") as f:
lines = "".join(lines)
print("IMPORTANT! please make sure to close Balsamiq before proceeding or the script won't have any effect")
years = int(input("How many years of trial do you want :) "))
if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
handleWindows(years * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)
elif sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
handleMacos(years * 365)
print("Sorry, operating system not supported")
print("* Congratulations! You gained {} days of trial".format(years * 365))
print("* Please don't forget to leave a star ✭")
input("Press ENTER to exit")
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