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Last active July 16, 2024 12:27
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Code snippets of All Seeing Eye
# The following code and the code generated art works are the intellectrual properities of Hailei Wang.
# © 2009 - 2014, Hailei Wang. All rights reserved.
from nodebox import geo
colors = ximport("colors")
# Define Brush
def composeimage( x, y, colr, radius, points, diminish ) :
strokewidth( 0.05 )
autoclosepath( False )
count = int( radius * 1.3 )
colr = colors.color( colr )
grad = colors.gradient( colr.darken( 1.0 ), colr, colr.lighten( 1.0 ).desaturate( 0.4 ), steps = count )
for i in range( count ) :
stroke( grad[ i ] )
a = 0.75 - 0.25 * float( i ) / count
colors.shadow( dx = 5, dy = 8, alpha = a, blur = 15 )
path = oval( x - radius + i * 0.5, y - radius + i * 0.5,
radius * 2 - i, radius * 2 - i, draw = False )
drawpath( brushpaint( path, points = int( points - i * 0.2 ), length = radius - i + random( count - i ) / 3, diminish = diminish ) )
# Hold and Draw w/Brush
def brushpaint( path, points = 100, length = 100, diminish = 700 ) :
beginpath( 0, 0 )
for ap in path.points( points ) :
angle = geo.angle( ap.x, ap.y, ap.ctrl1.x, ap.ctrl1.y )
dx,dy = geo.coordinates( ap.x, ap.y, length, angle + 90 )
moveto( ap.x, ap.y )
curveto( ap.x + random( -diminish, diminish ), ap.y + random( -diminish, diminish ), dx + random( -diminish, diminish ), dy + random( -diminish, diminish ), dx, dy )
return endpath( draw = False )
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genidma commented Mar 26, 2018

Hi Hailei,

I'm getting the following error:

File "", line 4, in

from nodebox import geo

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nodebox'

Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!

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Hi Hailei,

I'm getting the following error:

File "", line 4, in

from nodebox import geo

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nodebox'

Any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Genidma,

As far as I guess that Hailei is writing his code in Nodebox which is only avaliable for Mac users. See-->

So you should download it and then put that code in it.
Good lucks!

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