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Last active October 23, 2023 20:10
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/* ============================================================================
* ============================================================================
This is a right-handed camera implementation composed of:
- Free FPS camera (no camera offset, only camera orientation and camera position)
- 3rd person cameras (camera offset + camera position is model position)
- Arcball like camera (camera offset with fixed camera position)
with some more advanced features usually not found like:
- Selectable camera output Z range
- Infinite far Z plane (with epsilon to prevent floating point errors)
- Directly modifyable position, offset and orientation
- Orientation either as rotation matrix or unit quaternion
- Provides camera ray for 3D object picking
- No camera specific math datastructures or functions only floats arrays
- Pitch, yaw and roll euler rotations
- No direct dependencies
- Implementation notes if you don't like my code but want some feature(s)
[1] By Eric Lengyel GDC slides on projection matrix tricks
[2] By Casey Muratori Matrix introduction
[3] By Casey Muratori Matrix inversion
[4] By Jorge Rodriguez The Camera View Transform Matrix
[5] By Brian Hook Mouse Ray Picking Explained
[6] By Matt Giuca Calculating the gluPerspective matrix and other OpenGL matrix maths
public domain: no warrenty implied; use at your own risk.
#include <math.h> /* sqrt, sin, cos, tan */
#include <assert.h> /* assert macro */
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#define PI_CONSTANT (3.141592654f)
#define TO_RAD ((PI_CONSTANT/180.0f))
#define CAM_INF (-1.0f)
enum cam_orient {CAM_ORIENT_QUAT, CAM_ORIENT_MAT};
enum cam_output_z_range {
struct cam {
/*--- [input] ---*/
int zout, orient_struct;
/* proj */
float fov;
float near, far;
float aspect_ratio;
float z_range_epsilon;
/* transform */
float pos[3];
float off[3];
float ear[3];
float quat[4];
float mat[3][3];
/*--- [output] ---*/
float view[4][4];
float view_inv[4][4];
float proj[4][4];
float proj_inv[4][4];
float loc[3];
float forward[3];
float backward[3];
float right[3];
float down[3];
float left[3];
float up[3];
static void
cam_init(struct cam *c)
static const float qid[] = {0,0,0,1};
static const float m3id[] = {1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1};
static const float m4id[] = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1};
memset(c, 0, sizeof(*c));
c->aspect_ratio = 3.0f/2.0f;
c->fov = PI_CONSTANT / 4.0f;
c->near = 0.01f;
c->far = 10000;
memcpy(c->quat, qid, sizeof(qid));
memcpy(c->mat, m3id, sizeof(m3id));
memcpy(c->view, m4id, sizeof(m4id));
memcpy(c->view_inv, m4id, sizeof(m4id));
memcpy(c->proj, m4id, sizeof(m4id));
memcpy(c->proj_inv, m4id, sizeof(m4id));
static void
cam_build(struct cam *c)
if (!c) return;
/* convert orientation matrix into quaternion */
if (c->orient_struct == CAM_ORIENT_MAT) {
float s,t,
trace = c->mat[0][0];
trace += c->mat[1][1];
trace += c->mat[2][2];
if (trace > 0.0f) {
t = trace + 1.0f;
s = (float)sqrt((double)(1.0f/t)) * 0.5f;
c->quat[3] = s * t;
c->quat[0] = (c->mat[2][1] - c->mat[1][2]) * s;
c->quat[1] = (c->mat[0][2] - c->mat[2][0]) * s;
c->quat[2] = (c->mat[1][0] - c->mat[0][1]) * s;
} else {
int i = 0, j, k;
static const int next[] = {1,2,0};
if (c->mat[1][1] > c->mat[0][0] ) i = 1;
if (c->mat[2][2] > c->mat[i][i] ) i = 2;
j = next[i]; k = next[j];
t = (c->mat[i][i] - (c->mat[j][j] - c->mat[k][k])) + 1.0f;
s = (float)sqrt((double)(1.0f/t)) * 0.5f;
c->quat[i] = s*t;
c->quat[3] = (c->mat[k][j] - c->mat[j][k]) * s;
c->quat[j] = (c->mat[j][i] + c->mat[i][j]) * s;
c->quat[k] = (c->mat[k][i] + c->mat[i][k]) * s;
/* normalize quaternion */
{float len2 = c->quat[0]*c->quat[0] + c->quat[1]*c->quat[1];
len2 += c->quat[2]*c->quat[2] + c->quat[3]*c->quat[3];
if (len2 != 0.0f) {
float len = (float)sqrt((double)len2);
float inv_len = 1.0f/len;
c->quat[0] *= inv_len; c->quat[1] *= inv_len;
c->quat[2] *= inv_len; c->quat[3] *= inv_len;
/* Camera euler orientation
It is not feasible to multiply euler angles directly together to represent the camera
orientation because of gimbal lock (Even quaternions do not save you against
gimbal lock under all circumstances). While it is true that it is not a problem for
FPS style cameras, it is a problem for free cameras. To fix that issue this camera only
takes in the relative angle rotation and does not store the absolute angle values [7].*/
{float sx =(float)sin((double)(c->ear[0] * 0.5f));
float sy = (float)sin((double)(c->ear[1] * 0.5f));
float sz = (float)sin((double)(c->ear[2] * 0.5f));
float cx = (float)cos((double)(c->ear[0] * 0.5f));
float cy = (float)cos((double)(c->ear[1] * 0.5f));
float cz = (float)cos((double)(c->ear[2] * 0.5f));
float a[4], b[4];
a[0] = cz*sx; a[1] = sz*sx; a[2] = sz*cx; a[3] = cz*cx;
b[0] = c->quat[0]*cy - c->quat[2]*sy;
b[1] = c->quat[3]*sy + c->quat[1]*cy;
b[2] = c->quat[2]*cy + c->quat[0]*sy;
b[3] = c->quat[3]*cy - c->quat[1]*sy;
c->quat[0] = a[3]*b[0] + a[0]*b[3] + a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1];
c->quat[1] = a[3]*b[1] + a[1]*b[3] + a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2];
c->quat[2] = a[3]*b[2] + a[2]*b[3] + a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0];
c->quat[3] = a[3]*b[3] - a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1] - a[2]*b[2];
memset(c->ear, 0, sizeof(c->ear));}
/* Convert quaternion to matrix
Next up we want to convert our camera quaternion orientation into a 3x3 matrix
to generate our view matrix. So to convert from quaternion to rotation
matrix we first look at how to transform a vector quaternion by and how by matrix.
To transform a vector by a unit quaternion you turn the vector into a zero w
quaternion and left multiply by quaternion and right multiply by quaternion inverse:
p2 = q * q(P1) * pi
= q(qx,qy,qz,qw) * q(x,y,z,0) * q(-qx,-qy,-qz,qw)
To get the same result with a rotation matrix you just multiply the vector by matrix:
p2 = M * p1
So to get the matrix M you first multiply out the quaternion transformation and
group each x,y and z term into a column. The end result is: */
{float x2 = c->quat[0] + c->quat[0];
float y2 = c->quat[1] + c->quat[1];
float z2 = c->quat[2] + c->quat[2];
float xx = c->quat[0] * x2;
float xy = c->quat[0] * y2;
float xz = c->quat[0] * z2;
float yy = c->quat[1] * y2;
float yz = c->quat[1] * z2;
float zz = c->quat[2] * z2;
float wx = c->quat[3] * x2;
float wy = c->quat[3] * y2;
float wz = c->quat[3] * z2;
c->mat[0][0] = 1.0f - (yy + zz);
c->mat[0][1] = xy - wz;
c->mat[0][2] = xz + wy;
c->mat[1][0] = xy + wz;
c->mat[1][1] = 1.0f - (xx + zz);
c->mat[1][2] = yz - wx;
c->mat[2][0] = xz - wy;
c->mat[2][1] = yz + wx;
c->mat[2][2] = 1.0f - (xx + yy);}
/* View matrix
The general transform pipeline is object space to world space to local camera
space to screenspace. While this particular matrix, the view matrix,
transforms from world space to local camera space.
So we start by trying to find the camera world transform a 4x3 matrix which
can and will be in this particular implementation extended to a 4x4 matrix
composed of camera rotation, camera translation and camera offset.
While pure camera position and orientation is usefull for free FPS style cameras,
allows the camera offset 3rd person cameras or tracking ball behavior. position offset orientation 3x3 matrix world transform 4x4 matrix
|1 T| |R 0| |1 F|
C = |0 1| * |0 1| * |0 1|
|R Rf+T|
C = |0 1|
/* 1.) copy orientation matrix */
c->view_inv[0][0] = c->mat[0][0]; c->view_inv[0][1] = c->mat[0][1];
c->view_inv[0][2] = c->mat[0][2]; c->view_inv[1][0] = c->mat[1][0];
c->view_inv[1][1] = c->mat[1][1]; c->view_inv[1][2] = c->mat[1][2];
c->view_inv[2][0] = c->mat[2][0]; c->view_inv[2][1] = c->mat[2][1];
c->view_inv[2][2] = c->mat[2][2];
/* 2.) transform offset by camera orientation and add translation */
c->view_inv[3][0] = c->view_inv[0][0] * c->off[0];
c->view_inv[3][1] = c->view_inv[0][1] * c->off[0];
c->view_inv[3][2] = c->view_inv[0][2] * c->off[0];
c->view_inv[3][0] += c->view_inv[1][0] * c->off[1];
c->view_inv[3][1] += c->view_inv[1][1] * c->off[1];
c->view_inv[3][2] += c->view_inv[1][2] * c->off[1];
c->view_inv[3][0] += c->view_inv[2][0] * c->off[2];
c->view_inv[3][1] += c->view_inv[2][1] * c->off[2];
c->view_inv[3][2] += c->view_inv[2][2] * c->off[2];
c->view_inv[3][0] += c->pos[0];
c->view_inv[3][1] += c->pos[1];
c->view_inv[3][2] += c->pos[2];
/* 3.) fill last empty 4x4 matrix row */
c->view_inv[0][3] = 0;
c->view_inv[1][3] = 0;
c->view_inv[2][3] = 0;
c->view_inv[3][3] = 1.0f;
/* Now we have a matrix to transform from local camera space into world
camera space. But remember we are looking for the opposite transform since we
want to transform the world around the camera. So to get the other way
around we have to invert our world camera transformation to transform to
local camera space.
Usually inverting matricies is quite a complex endeavour both in needed complexity
as well as number of calculations required. Luckily we can use a nice property
of orthonormal matrices (matrices with each column being unit length)
on the more complicated matrix the rotation matrix.
The inverse of orthonormal matrices is the same as the transpose of the same
matrix, which is just a matrix column to row swap.
So with inverse rotation matrix covered the only thing left is the inverted
camera translation which just needs to be negated plus and this is the more
important part tranformed by the inverted rotation matrix.
Why? simply because the inverse of a matrix multiplication M = A * B
is NOT Mi = Ai * Bi (i for inverse) but rather Mi = Bi * Ai.
So if we put everything together we get the following view matrix: orientation matrix3x3 translation offset inverse translation inverse offset inverse orientation matrix3x3
V.......view matrix
(|R Rf+T|)
V = inv(|0 1|)
|Ri -Ri*Ti-Fi|
V = |0 1|
Now we finally have our matrix composition and can fill out the view matrix:
1.) Inverse camera orientation by transpose */
c->view[0][0] = c->mat[0][0];
c->view[0][1] = c->mat[1][0];
c->view[0][2] = c->mat[2][0];
c->view[1][0] = c->mat[0][1];
c->view[1][1] = c->mat[1][1];
c->view[1][2] = c->mat[2][1];
c->view[2][0] = c->mat[0][2];
c->view[2][1] = c->mat[1][2];
c->view[2][2] = c->mat[2][2];
/* 2.) Transform inverted position vector by transposed orientation and subtract offset */
{float pos_inv[3];
pos_inv[0] = -c->pos[0];
pos_inv[1] = -c->pos[1];
pos_inv[2] = -c->pos[2];
c->view[3][0] = c->view[0][0] * pos_inv[0];
c->view[3][1] = c->view[0][1] * pos_inv[0];
c->view[3][2] = c->view[0][2] * pos_inv[0];
c->view[3][0] += c->view[1][0] * pos_inv[1];
c->view[3][1] += c->view[1][1] * pos_inv[1];
c->view[3][2] += c->view[1][2] * pos_inv[1];
c->view[3][0] += c->view[2][0] * pos_inv[2];
c->view[3][1] += c->view[2][1] * pos_inv[2];
c->view[3][2] += c->view[2][2] * pos_inv[2];
c->view[3][0] -= c->off[0];
c->view[3][1] -= c->off[1];
c->view[3][2] -= c->off[2];}
/* 3.) fill last empty 4x4 matrix row */
c->view[0][3] = 0; c->view[1][3] = 0;
c->view[2][3] = 0; c->view[3][3] = 1.0f;
/* Projection matrix
While the view matrix transforms from world space to local camera space,
tranforms the perspective projection matrix from camera space to screen space.
The actual work for the transformation is from eye coordinates camera
frustum far plane to a cube with coordinates (-1,1), (0,1), (-1,0) depending on
argument `out_z_range` in this particual implementation.
To actually build the projection matrix we need:
- Vertical field of view angle
- Screen aspect ratio which controls the horizontal view angle in
contrast to the field of view.
- Z coordinate of the frustum near clipping plane
- Z coordinate of the frustum far clipping plane
While I will explain how to incooperate the near,far z clipping
plane I would recommend reading [7] for the other values since it is quite
hard to do understand without visual aid and he is probably better in
explaining than I would be.*/
{float hfov = (float)tan((double)(c->fov*0.5f));
c->proj[0][0] = 1.0f/(c->aspect_ratio * hfov);
c->proj[0][1] = 0;
c->proj[0][2] = 0;
c->proj[0][3] = 0;
c->proj[1][0] = 0;
c->proj[1][1] = 1.0f/hfov;
c->proj[1][2] = 0;
c->proj[1][3] = 0;
c->proj[2][0] = 0;
c->proj[2][1] = 0;
c->proj[2][3] = -1.0f;
c->proj[3][0] = 0;
c->proj[3][1] = 0;
c->proj[3][3] = 0;
if (c->far <= CAM_INF) {
/* Up to this point we got perspective matrix:
|1/aspect*hfov 0 0 0|
|0 1/hfov 0 0|
|0 0 A B|
|0 0 -1 0|
but we are still missing A and B to map between the frustum near/far
and the clipping cube near/far value. So we take the lower right part
of the matrix and multiply by a vector containing the missing
z and w value, which gives us the resulting clipping cube z;
|A B| |z| |Az + B | B
|-1 0| * |1| = | -z | = -A + ------
So far so good but now we need to map from the frustum near,
far clipping plane (n,f) to the clipping cube near and far plane (cn,cf).
So we plugin the frustum near/far values into z and the resulting
cube near/far plane we want to end up with.
-A + ------ = cn and -A + ------ = cf
n f
We now have two equations with two unkown A and B since n,f as well
as cn,cf are provided, so we can solved them by subtitution either by
hand or, if you are like me prone to easily make small mistakes,
with WolframAlpha which solved for:*/
switch (c->zout) {
/* cn = -1 and cf = 1: */
c->proj[2][2] = -(c->far + c->near) / (c->far - c->near);
c->proj[3][2] = -(2.0f * c->far * c->near) / (c->far - c->near);
} break;
/* cn = -1 and cf = 0: */
c->proj[2][2] = (c->near) / (c->near - c->far);
c->proj[3][2] = (c->far * c->near) / (c->near - c->far);
} break;
/* cn = 0 and cf = 1: */
c->proj[2][2] = -(c->far) / (c->far - c->near);
c->proj[3][2] = -(c->far * c->near) / (c->far - c->near);
} break;
} else {
/* Infinite projection [1]:
In general infinite projection matrices map direction to points on the
infinite distant far plane, which is mainly useful for rendering:
- skyboxes, sun, moon, stars
- stencil shadow volume caps
To actually calculate the infinite perspective matrix you let the
far clip plane go to infinity. Once again I would recommend using and
checking WolframAlpha to make sure all values are correct, while still
doing the calculation at least once by hand.
While it is mathematically correct to go to infinity, floating point errors
result in a depth smaller or bigger. This in term results in
fragment culling since the hardware thinks fragments are beyond the
far clipping plane. The general solution is to introduce an epsilon
to fix the calculation error and map it to the infinite far plane.
For 32-bit floating point epsilon should be greater than 2.4*10^-7,
to account for floating point precision problems. */
switch (c->zout) {
/*lim f->inf -((f+n)/(f-n)) => -((inf+n)/(inf-n)) => -(inf)/(inf) => -1.0*/
c->proj[2][2] = c->z_range_epsilon - 1.0f;
/* lim f->inf -(2*f*n)/(f-n) => -(2*inf*n)/(inf-n) => -(2*inf*n)/inf => -2n*/
c->proj[3][2] = (c->z_range_epsilon - 2.0f) * c->near;
} break;
/* lim f->inf n/(n-f) => n/(n-inf) => n/(n-inf) => -0 */
c->proj[2][2] = c->z_range_epsilon;
/* lim f->inf (f*n)/(n-f) => (inf*n)/(n-inf) => (inf*n)/-inf = -n */
c->proj[3][2] = (c->z_range_epsilon - 1.0f) * c->near;
} break;
/* lim f->inf (-f)/(f-n) => (-inf)/(inf-n) => -inf/inf = -1 */
c->proj[2][2] = c->z_range_epsilon - 1.0f;
/* lim f->inf (-f*n)/(f-n) => (-inf*n)/(inf-n) => (-inf*n)/(inf) => -n */
c->proj[3][2] = (c->z_range_epsilon - 1.0f) * c->near;
} break;
/* Invert projection [2][3]:
Since perspective matrices have a fixed layout, it makes sense
to calculate the specific perspective inverse instead of relying on a default
matrix inverse function. Actually calculating the matrix for any perspective
matrix is quite straight forward:
I.......identity matrix
p.......perspective matrix
I(p)....inverse perspective matrix
1.) Fill a variable inversion matrix and perspective layout matrix into the
inversion formula: I(p) * p = I
|x0 x1 x2 x3 | |a 0 0 0| |1 0 0 0|
|x4 x5 x6 x7 | * |0 b 0 0| = |0 1 0 0|
|x8 x9 x10 x11| |0 0 c d| |0 0 1 0|
|x12 x13 x14 x15| |0 0 e 0| |0 0 0 1|
2.) Multiply inversion matrix times perspective matrix
|x0*a x1*b x2*c+x3*e x2*d| |1 0 0 0|
|x4*a x5*b x6*c+x7*e x6*d| = |0 1 0 0|
|x8*a x9*b x10*c+x11*e x10*d| |0 0 1 0|
|x12*a x13*b x14*c+x15*e x14*d| |0 0 0 1|
3.) Finally substitute each x value: e.g: x0*a = 1 => x0 = 1/a so I(p) at column 0, row 0 is 1/a.
|1/a 0 0 0|
I(p) = |0 1/b 0 0|
|0 0 0 1/e|
|0 0 1/d -c/de|
These steps basically work for any invertable matrices, but I would recommend
using WolframAlpha for these specific kinds of matrices, since it can
automatically generate inversion matrices without any fuss or possible
human calculation errors. */
memset(c->proj_inv, 0, sizeof(c->proj_inv));
c->proj_inv[0][0] = 1.0f/c->proj[0][0];
c->proj_inv[1][1] = 1.0f/c->proj[1][1];
c->proj_inv[2][3] = 1.0f/c->proj[3][2];
c->proj_inv[3][2] = 1.0f/c->proj[2][3];
c->proj_inv[3][3] = -c->proj[2][2];
c->proj_inv[3][3] /= (c->proj[3][2] * c->proj[2][3]);
/* fill vectors with data */
c->loc[0] = c->view_inv[3][0];
c->loc[1] = c->view_inv[3][1];
c->loc[2] = c->view_inv[3][2];
c->forward[0] = c->view_inv[2][0];
c->forward[1] = c->view_inv[2][1];
c->forward[2] = c->view_inv[2][2];
c->backward[0] = -c->view_inv[2][0];
c->backward[1] = -c->view_inv[2][1];
c->backward[2] = -c->view_inv[2][2];
c->right[0] = c->view_inv[0][0];
c->right[1] = c->view_inv[0][1];
c->right[2] = c->view_inv[0][2];
c->left[0] = -c->view_inv[0][0];
c->left[1] = -c->view_inv[0][1];
c->left[2] = -c->view_inv[0][2];
c->up[0] = c->view_inv[1][0];
c->up[1] = c->view_inv[1][1];
c->up[2] = c->view_inv[1][2];
c->down[0] = -c->view_inv[1][0];
c->down[1] = -c->view_inv[1][1];
c->down[2] = -c->view_inv[1][2];
static void
cam_move(struct cam *c, float x, float y, float z)
c->pos[0] += c->view_inv[0][0]*x;
c->pos[1] += c->view_inv[0][1]*x;
c->pos[2] += c->view_inv[0][2]*x;
c->pos[0] += c->view_inv[1][0]*y;
c->pos[1] += c->view_inv[1][1]*y;
c->pos[2] += c->view_inv[1][2]*y;
c->pos[0] += c->view_inv[2][0]*z;
c->pos[1] += c->view_inv[2][1]*z;
c->pos[2] += c->view_inv[2][2]*z;
static void
cam_screen_to_world(const struct cam *c, float width, float height,
float *res, float screen_x, float screen_y, float camera_z)
/* Screen space to world space coordinates
To convert from screen space coordinates to world coordinates we
basically have to revert all transformations typically done to
convert from world space to screen space:
Viewport => NDC => Clip => View => World
Viewport => NDC => Clip
First up is the transform from viewport to clipping space.
To get from clipping space to viewport we calculate:
Vn = v = |((1-y)/2)*h|
|((z+1)/2) |
Now we need to the the inverse process by solvinging for n:
|(2*x)/w - 1|
n = |(2*y)/h |
|(2*z)-1) |
| 1 |
float x = (screen_x / width * 2.0f) - 1.0f;
float y = (screen_y / height) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
float z = 2.0f * camera_z - 1.0f;
/* Clip => View
A vector v or position p in view space is tranform to clip
coordinates c by being transformed by a projection matrix P:
c = P * v
To convert from clipping coordinates c to view coordinates we
just have to transfrom c by the inverse projection matrix Pi:
v = Pi * c
The inverse projection matrix for all common projection matrices
can be calculated by (see Camera_Build for more information):
|1/a 0 0 0|
Pi = |0 1/b 0 0|
|0 0 0 1/e|
|0 0 1/d -c/de|
View => World
Finally we just need to convert from view coordinates to world
coordinates w by transforming our view coordinates by the inverse view
matrix Vi which in this context is just the camera translation and
w = Vi * v
Now we reached our goal and have our world coordinates. This implementation
combines both the inverse projection as well as inverse view transformation
into one since the projection layout is known we can do some optimization:*/
float ax = c->proj_inv[0][0]*x;
float by = c->proj_inv[1][1]*y;
float dz = c->proj_inv[2][3]*z;
float w = c->proj_inv[3][3] + dz;
res[0] = c->proj_inv[3][2] * c->view_inv[2][0];
res[0] += c->proj_inv[3][3] * c->view_inv[3][0];
res[0] += ax * c->view_inv[0][0];
res[0] += by * c->view_inv[1][0];
res[0] += dz * c->view_inv[3][0];
res[1] = c->proj_inv[3][2] * c->view_inv[2][1];
res[1] += c->proj_inv[3][3] * c->view_inv[3][1];
res[1] += ax * c->view_inv[0][1];
res[1] += by * c->view_inv[1][1];
res[1] += dz * c->view_inv[3][1];
res[2] = c->proj_inv[3][2] * c->view_inv[2][2];
res[2] += c->proj_inv[3][3] * c->view_inv[3][2];
res[2] += ax * c->view_inv[0][2];
res[2] += by * c->view_inv[1][2];
res[2] += dz * c->view_inv[3][2];
res[0] /= w; res[1] /= w; res[2] /= w;
static void
cam_picking_ray(const struct cam *c, float w, float h,
float mouse_x, float mouse_y, float *orig, float *dir)
float world[3];
cam_screen_to_world(c, w, h, world, mouse_x, mouse_y, 0);
/* calculate direction
We generate the ray normal vector by first transforming the mouse cursor position
from screen coordinates into world coordinates. After that we only have to
subtract our camera position from our calculated mouse world position and
normalize the result to make sure we have a unit vector as direction. */
orig[0] = c->loc[0];
orig[1] = c->loc[1];
orig[2] = c->loc[2];
dir[0] = world[0] - orig[0];
dir[1] = world[1] - orig[1];
dir[2] = world[2] - orig[2];
/* normalize */
{float dot = dir[0]*dir[0] + dir[1]*dir[1] + dir[2]*dir[2];
if (dot != 0.0f) {
float len = (float)sqrt((double)dot);
dir[0] /= len; dir[1] /= len; dir[2] /= len;
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_opengl.h>
#define countof(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b)?(a):(b))
#define max3(a,b,c) max(max(a,b),c)
typedef struct sys_int2 {int x,y;} sys_int2;
typedef int sys_bool;
enum {
struct sys_button {
sys_bool down;
sys_bool pressed;
sys_bool released;
enum sys_mouse_mode {
struct sys_mouse {
enum sys_mouse_mode mode;
sys_bool visible;
sys_int2 position;
sys_int2 position_last;
sys_int2 position_delta;
float scroll_delta;
struct sys_button left_button;
struct sys_button right_button;
struct sys_time {
float refresh_rate;
float last;
float delta;
unsigned int start;
struct sys_window {
const char *title;
SDL_Window *handle;
SDL_GLContext glContext;
sys_int2 position;
sys_int2 size;
sys_bool resized;
sys_bool moved;
struct sys {
sys_bool quit;
sys_bool initialized;
struct sys_time time;
struct sys_window window;
struct sys_button key[SYS_MAX_KEYS];
struct sys_mouse mouse;
static void
sys_init(struct sys *s)
int monitor_refresh_rate;
int win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h;
const char *title;
title = s->window.title ? s->window.title: "SDL";
win_x = s->window.position.x ? s->window.position.x: SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED;
win_y = s->window.position.y ? s->window.position.y: SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED;
win_w = s->window.size.x ? s->window.size.x: 800;
win_h = s->window.size.y ? s->window.size.y: 600;
s->window.handle = SDL_CreateWindow(title, win_x, win_y, win_w, win_h, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL|SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
s->window.glContext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(s->window.handle);
s->mouse.visible = SYS_TRUE;
{SDL_DisplayMode mode;
if (SDL_GetDisplayMode(0, 0, &mode))
monitor_refresh_rate = mode.refresh_rate;
else monitor_refresh_rate = 60;
s->time.refresh_rate = 1.0f/(float)monitor_refresh_rate;}
s->initialized = SYS_TRUE;
static void
sys_shutdown(struct sys *s)
static void
sys_update_button(struct sys_button *b, sys_bool down)
sys_bool was_down = b->down;
b->down = down;
b->pressed = !was_down && down;
b->released = was_down && !down;
static void
sys_pull(struct sys *s)
int i = 0;
s->time.start = SDL_GetTicks();
s->mouse.left_button.pressed = 0;
s->mouse.left_button.released = 0;
s->mouse.right_button.pressed = 0;
s->mouse.right_button.released = 0;
s->mouse.scroll_delta = 0;
/* poll window */
s->window.moved = 0;
s->window.resized = 0;
SDL_GetWindowSize(s->window.handle, &s->window.size.x, &s->window.size.y);
SDL_GetWindowPosition(s->window.handle, &s->window.position.x, &s->window.position.y);
/* poll keyboard */
{const unsigned char* keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(0);
for (i = 0; i < SYS_MAX_KEYS; ++i) {
SDL_Keycode sym = SDL_GetKeyFromScancode((SDL_Scancode)i);
if (sym < SYS_MAX_KEYS)
sys_update_button(s->key + sym, keys[i]);
/* poll mouse */
s->mouse.position_delta.x = 0;
s->mouse.position_delta.y = 0;
SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(s->mouse.mode == SYSTEM_MOUSE_RELATIVE);
if (s->mouse.mode == SYSTEM_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE) {
s->mouse.position_last.x = s->mouse.position.x;
s->mouse.position_last.y = s->mouse.position.y;
SDL_GetMouseState(&s->mouse.position.x, &s->mouse.position.y);
s->mouse.position_delta.x = s->mouse.position.x - s->mouse.position_last.x;
s->mouse.position_delta.y = s->mouse.position.y - s->mouse.position_last.y;
} else {
s->mouse.position_last.x = s->window.size.x/2;
s->mouse.position_last.y = s->window.size.y/2;
s->mouse.position.x = s->window.size.x/2;
s->mouse.position.y = s->window.size.y/2;
/* handle events */
{SDL_Event evt;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) {
if (evt.type == SDL_QUIT)
s->quit = SYS_TRUE;
else if (evt.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || evt.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
sys_bool down = evt.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN;
if (evt.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
sys_update_button(&s->mouse.left_button, down);
else if (evt.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)
sys_update_button(&s->mouse.right_button, down);
} else if (evt.type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT) {
if (evt.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED)
s->window.moved = SYS_TRUE;
else if (evt.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED)
s->window.resized = SYS_TRUE;
} else if (evt.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION) {
s->mouse.position_delta.x += evt.motion.xrel;
s->mouse.position_delta.y += evt.motion.yrel;
} else if (evt.type == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) {
s->mouse.scroll_delta = -evt.wheel.y;
static void
sys_push(struct sys *s)
s-> = (SDL_GetTicks() - s->time.start) / 1000.0f;
if (s-> < s->time.refresh_rate)
SDL_Delay((Uint32)((s->time.refresh_rate - s-> * 1000.0f));
#define glBoxf(b) glBox(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5]);
static void
glBox(float min_x, float min_y, float min_z, float max_x, float max_y, float max_z)
float forward = max_x - min_x;
float up = max_y - min_y;
float right = max_z - min_z;
/* Back face */
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z + right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y + up, min_z + right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y + up, min_z + right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y + up, min_z);
/* Left face */
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z);
/* Bottom face */
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z+right);
/* Top face */
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y+up, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y+up, min_z+right);
/* Right face */
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z+right);
/* Front face */
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z+right);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y, min_z);
glVertex3f(min_x+forward, min_y+up, min_z);
static float
v3dot(const float *a, const float *b)
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
static void
v3sub(float *dst, const float *a, const float *b)
dst[0] = a[0] - b[0];
dst[1] = a[1] - b[1];
dst[2] = a[2] - b[2];
static int
ray_intersects_sphere(const float *ray_origin, const float *ray_dir,
const float *center, float radius)
float p[3], a,b,c,d;
v3sub(p, ray_origin, center);
a = v3dot(ray_dir, ray_dir);
b = v3dot(ray_dir, p);
c = v3dot(p, p) - (radius* radius);
d = b * b - c * a;
return (d >= 0.0f);
int main(void)
const float cube_colors[][3] = {{1,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,0,1}, {1,1,0}};
const float cube_bounds[][6] = {{-1,-1,-1, 1,1,1}, {6,-1,-3, 4,1,1},
{-6,-1,-5, -4,1,-3}, {-1,-1,-10, 1,1,-8}};
/* Platform */
struct sys sys;
memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));
sys.window.title = "Demo";
sys.window.size.x = 800;
sys.window.size.y = 600;
/* Camera */
{struct cam cam;
cam.pos[2] = 5;
cam.aspect_ratio = (float)sys.window.size.x/(float)sys.window.size.y;
while (!sys.quit)
/* Camera control */
#define CAMERA_SPEED (4.0f)
{const float frame_movement = CAMERA_SPEED *;
const float forward = (sys.key['w'].down ? -1 : 0.0f) + (sys.key['s'].down ? 1 : 0.0f);
const float right = (sys.key['a'].down ? -1 : 0.0f) + (sys.key['d'].down ? 1 : 0.0f);
cam_move(&cam, right * frame_movement, 0, forward * frame_movement);[2] += sys.mouse.scroll_delta;
if (sys.mouse.right_button.down) {
sys.mouse.mode = SYSTEM_MOUSE_RELATIVE;
cam.ear[0] += (float)sys.mouse.position_delta.y * TO_RAD;
cam.ear[1] += (float)sys.mouse.position_delta.x * TO_RAD;
} else sys.mouse.mode = SYSTEM_MOUSE_ABSOLUTE;
cam.aspect_ratio = (float)sys.window.size.x/(float)sys.window.size.y;
/* 3D Picking */
if (sys.mouse.left_button.pressed) {
/* Picking ray */
float ray_origin[3], ray_dir[3];
cam_picking_ray(&cam, sys.window.size.x, sys.window.size.y,
sys.mouse.position.x, (sys.window.size.y-1) - sys.mouse.position.y,
ray_origin, ray_dir);
/* Sphere intersection */
{size_t i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < countof(cube_colors); ++i) {
float size[3];
const float *bounds = &cube_bounds[i][0];
size[0] = (bounds[3] - bounds[0]);
size[1] = (bounds[4] - bounds[1]);
size[2] = (bounds[5] - bounds[2]);
{float center[3];
float radius = max3(size[0], size[1], size[2]);
center[0] = bounds[0] + (size[0] * 0.5f);
center[1] = bounds[1] + (size[1] * 0.5f);
center[2] = bounds[2] + (size[2] * 0.5f);
if (ray_intersects_sphere(ray_origin, ray_dir, center, radius))
fprintf(stdout, "Sphere Intersected: %lu!\n", i);
else fprintf(stdout, "Sphere Not Intersected!\n");}
/* Draw */
{size_t i = 0;
glViewport(0, 0, sys.window.size.x, sys.window.size.y);
glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
for (i = 0; i < countof(cube_colors); ++i) {
return 0;
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mhalber commented Mar 18, 2019

Hi - do you have any source for the derivation of calculations at line 146? Initially I thought this is simply euler to quaternion conversion, followed by a quaternion multiplication. Problem is that writing it out explicitly as these two operations does not seem to produce same results...

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