title | description | author | ms.author | ms.date | ms.topic | ms.assetid | ms.prod |
Xamarin.iOS SDK API diff |
List of API changes for Xamarin.iOS. |
spouliot |
sepoulio |
1/5/2024 |
article |
f7934223-2a8c-d5d4-788f-79d2f8610aa7 |
xamarin |
Added property:
public virtual GCControllerLiveInput Input { get; }
Added property:
public virtual GCControllerLiveInput Input { get; }
Obsoleted properties:
[Obsolete ("Use the Hid property instead.")]
public static Foundation.NSString GCProductCategoryHid { get; }
Added properties:
public static Foundation.NSString ArcadeStick { get; }
public static Foundation.NSString Hid { get; }
Added methods:
public virtual void SetPosition (CoreGraphics.CGPoint position, string padDirectionElement);
public virtual void SetValue (nfloat value, string buttonElement);
Added property:
public virtual bool Hidden { get; set; }
Added property:
public virtual CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue Queue { get; set; }
public static class GCAxisInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCAxisInput This);
public class GCButtonElementName {
// constructors
public GCButtonElementName ();
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetArcadeButtonName (nint row, nint column);
public class GCControllerInputState : Foundation.NSObject, IGCDevicePhysicalInput, IGCDevicePhysicalInputState, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public GCControllerInputState ();
protected GCControllerInputState (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected GCControllerInputState (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCAxisElement> Axes { get; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCButtonElement> Buttons { get; }
public virtual IGCDevicePhysicalInputState Capture { get; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual IGCDevice Device { get; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCDirectionPadElement> Dpads { get; }
public virtual ElementValueDidChangeHandler ElementValueDidChangeHandler { get; set; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCPhysicalInputElement> Elements { get; }
public virtual InputStateAvailableHandler InputStateAvailableHandler { get; set; }
public virtual nint InputStateQueueDepth { get; set; }
public virtual double LastEventLatency { get; }
public virtual double LastEventTimestamp { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject NextInputState { get; }
public virtual CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue Queue { get; set; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCSwitchElement> Switches { get; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual IGCPhysicalInputElement GetObject (string key);
public class GCControllerLiveInput : GameController.GCControllerInputState, IGCDevicePhysicalInput, IGCDevicePhysicalInputState, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
public GCControllerLiveInput ();
protected GCControllerLiveInput (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected GCControllerLiveInput (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCAxisElement> Axes { get; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCButtonElement> Buttons { get; }
public virtual IGCDevicePhysicalInputState Capture { get; }
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual IGCDevice Device { get; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCDirectionPadElement> Dpads { get; }
public virtual ElementValueDidChangeHandler ElementValueDidChangeHandler { get; set; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCPhysicalInputElement> Elements { get; }
public virtual InputStateAvailableHandler InputStateAvailableHandler { get; set; }
public virtual nint InputStateQueueDepth { get; set; }
public virtual double LastEventLatency { get; }
public virtual double LastEventTimestamp { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSObject NextInputState { get; }
public virtual CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue Queue { get; set; }
public virtual GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCSwitchElement> Switches { get; }
public virtual GCControllerLiveInput UnmappedInput { get; }
// methods
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing);
public virtual IGCPhysicalInputElement GetObject (string key);
public static class GCDevicePhysicalInputState_Extensions {
// methods
public static GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCAxisElement> GetAxes (this IGCDevicePhysicalInputState This);
public static GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCButtonElement> GetButtons (this IGCDevicePhysicalInputState This);
public static GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCDirectionPadElement> GetDpads (this IGCDevicePhysicalInputState This);
public static GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCPhysicalInputElement> GetElements (this IGCDevicePhysicalInputState This);
public static GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection<Foundation.NSString,GameController.IGCSwitchElement> GetSwitches (this IGCDevicePhysicalInputState This);
public enum GCInputButtonName {
ButtonA = 0,
ButtonB = 1,
ButtonHome = 10,
ButtonMenu = 11,
ButtonOptions = 12,
ButtonShare = 13,
ButtonX = 2,
ButtonY = 3,
DualShockTouchpadButton = 18,
LeftPaddle = 22,
LeftShoulder = 4,
LeftThumbstickButton = 8,
LeftTrigger = 6,
PedalAccelerator = 19,
PedalBrake = 20,
PedalClutch = 21,
RightPaddle = 23,
RightShoulder = 5,
RightThumbstickButton = 9,
RightTrigger = 7,
XboxPaddleFour = 17,
XboxPaddleOne = 14,
XboxPaddleThree = 16,
XboxPaddleTwo = 15,
public static class GCInputButtonNameExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this GCInputButtonName self);
public static GCInputButtonName GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public enum GCInputDirectionPadName {
DirectionPad = 0,
DualShockTouchpadOne = 3,
DualShockTouchpadTwo = 4,
LeftThumbstick = 1,
RightThumbstick = 2,
public static class GCInputDirectionPadNameExtensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSString GetConstant (this GCInputDirectionPadName self);
public static GCInputDirectionPadName GetValue (Foundation.NSString constant);
public enum GCInputElementName {
Shifter = 0,
public static class GCLinearInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCLinearInput This);
public class GCPhysicalInputElementCollection : Foundation.NSObject {
// constructors
protected GCPhysicalInputElementCollection (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected GCPhysicalInputElementCollection (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual nuint Count { get; }
public sealed class GCPhysicalInputElementCollection`2 : GameController.GCPhysicalInputElementCollection {
// constructors
public GCPhysicalInputElementCollection`2 (Foundation.NSObjectFlag coder);
// properties
public Foundation.NSEnumerator<IGCPhysicalInputElement> ElementEnumerator { get; }
// methods
public TValue GetElement (TKey alias);
public TValue GetObject (TKey keyedSubscript);
public abstract class GCPhysicalInputSource : Foundation.NSObject, IGCPhysicalInputSource, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// constructors
protected GCPhysicalInputSource ();
protected GCPhysicalInputSource (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
protected GCPhysicalInputSource (IntPtr handle);
// properties
public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
public virtual GCPhysicalInputSourceDirection Direction { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSSet<Foundation.NSString> ElementAliases { get; }
public virtual string ElementLocalizedName { get; }
public virtual string SfSymbolsName { get; }
public enum GCPhysicalInputSourceDirection {
Down = 4,
Left = 8,
NotApplicable = 0,
Right = 2,
Up = 1,
public static class GCPressedStateInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCPressedStateInput This);
public static class GCRelativeInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCRelativeInput This);
public static class GCSwitchPositionInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCSwitchPositionInput This);
public static class GCTouchedStateInput_Extensions {
// methods
public static Foundation.NSSet<GCPhysicalInputSource> GetSources (this IGCTouchedStateInput This);
public interface IGCPhysicalInputSource : ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable {
// properties
public virtual GCPhysicalInputSourceDirection Direction { get; }
public virtual Foundation.NSSet<Foundation.NSString> ElementAliases { get; }
public virtual string ElementLocalizedName { get; }
public virtual string SfSymbolsName { get; }