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Vlad Lasky vlasky

  • Sydney, Australia
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adtac /
Last active October 27, 2024 08:53
Using your Kindle as an e-ink monitor

3.5 fps, Paperwhite 3

step 1: jailbreak your Kindle is your best resource here, follow the instructions from the LanguageBreak thread

I didn't really follow the LanguageBreak instructions because I didn't care about most of the features + I was curious to do it myself, but the LanguageBreak github repo was invaluable for debugging

adamsmith / gist:2a22b08d3d4a11fb9fe06531aea4d67c
Created December 23, 2023 01:07
voice-memo transcript → organized markdown text, using LLMs
There are two prompts, that chain together. The first prompt does most of the work, and the second prompt organizes the sections. I found because of the nature of how LLMs write, I couldn't get just one prompt to never jump back and forth in topics.
Prompt 1, which takes as input a raw transcript and generates a structured-text version...
"""# Instructions
A transcript is provided below of a voice memo I recorded as a "note to self". please extract all the points made or thoughts described, and put them in bullet-point form. use nested bullet points to indicate structure, e.g. a top-level bullet for each topic area and sub-bullets underneath. use multi-level nesting as appropriate to organize the thinking logically. use markdown formatting with `*` instead of `-` for bullet points.
DO NOT OMIT ANY POINTS MADE. This is not a summarization task — your only goal is to structure the thoughts there so they are logically organized and easy to read. Be concise because the reader is busy, but again DO NOT omit any
kj800x / Hacking the LG Monitor's
Last active December 28, 2024 07:13
Hacking the LG Monitor's EDID

preface: Posting these online since it sounds like these notes are somewhat interesting based on a few folks I've shared with. These are semi-rough notes that I basically wrote for myself in case I ever needed to revisit this fix, so keep that in mind.

I recently bought an LG ULTRAGEAR monitor secondhand off of a coworker. I really love it and it's been great so far, but I ran into some minor issues with it in Linux. It works great on both Mac and Windows, but on Linux it displays just a black panel until I use the second monitor to go in and reduce the refresh rate down to 60 Hz.

This has worked decent so far but there's some issues:

  • It doesn't work while linux is booting up. The motherboards boot sequence is visible just fine, but as soon as control is handed over to Linux and I'd normally see a splash screen while I'm waiting for my login window, I see nothing.
  • It doesn't work on the login screen. This would be fine if login consistently worked on my second screen, but I need to manually switch
//ver 1.0.7
export const excelDateToJSDate = (date:number):Date => {
//takes a number and return javascript Date object
return new Date(Math.round((date - 25569)*86400*1000));
export const jsDateToExcelDate = (date:Date):number => {
//takes javascript a Date object to an excel number
let returnDateTime = 25569.0 + ((date.getTime()-(date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000)) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
return Math.floor(returnDateTime)
bcherny /
Last active January 3, 2025 14:53
Notes: Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Notes on Martin Kleppmann's excellent Designing Data-Intensive Applications.

Chapter 1: Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications

  • Data Systems
    • Dimensions to consider when thinking about data systems: access patterns, performance characteristics, implementations.
    • Modern data systems often blur the lines between databases, caches, streams, etc.
  • Reliability
    • Systems should perform the expected function at a given level of performance, and be tolerant to faults and user mistakes
  • Fault: One component of a system deviating from its spec. Prefer tolerating faults over preventing them (except for things like security issues). Faults stem from hardware failures, software failures, and human error (in a study, config errors caused most outages).
joshschmelzle /
Last active August 6, 2024 20:21
Copy win32 command line output to Windows Clipboard

To save the output of a command on the Windows clipboard, add a pipe* (|) operator to your command followed by the clip command.


dir | clip - copy the listing of current folder contents to the clipboard.

tree | clip - copy a recursive directory structure to the clipboard.

pwd | clip - copy the present working directory to the clipboard.