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/* Code by Mike Hale http://www.ps-scripts.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1802&start=15 | |
with small modification by Vladimir Carrer | |
*/ | |
function DrawShape() { | |
var doc = app.activeDocument; | |
var y = arguments.length; | |
var i = 0; | |
var lineArray = []; | |
for (i = 0; i < y; i++) { | |
lineArray[i] = new PathPointInfo; | |
lineArray[i].kind = PointKind.CORNERPOINT; | |
lineArray[i].anchor = arguments[i]; | |
lineArray[i].leftDirection = lineArray[i].anchor; | |
lineArray[i].rightDirection = lineArray[i].anchor; | |
} | |
var lineSubPathArray = new SubPathInfo(); | |
lineSubPathArray.closed = true; | |
lineSubPathArray.operation = ShapeOperation.SHAPEADD; | |
lineSubPathArray.entireSubPath = lineArray; | |
var myPathItem = doc.pathItems.add("myPath", [lineSubPathArray]); | |
var desc88 = new ActionDescriptor(); | |
var ref60 = new ActionReference(); | |
ref60.putClass(stringIDToTypeID("contentLayer")); | |
desc88.putReference(charIDToTypeID("null"), ref60); | |
var desc89 = new ActionDescriptor(); | |
var desc90 = new ActionDescriptor(); | |
var desc91 = new ActionDescriptor(); | |
desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Rd "), 0.000000); // R | |
desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Grn "), 0.000000); // G | |
desc91.putDouble(charIDToTypeID("Bl "), 0.000000); // B | |
var id481 = charIDToTypeID("RGBC"); | |
desc90.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Clr "), id481, desc91); | |
desc89.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Type"), stringIDToTypeID("solidColorLayer"), desc90); | |
desc88.putObject(charIDToTypeID("Usng"), stringIDToTypeID("contentLayer"), desc89); | |
executeAction(charIDToTypeID("Mk "), desc88, DialogModes.NO); | |
myPathItem.remove(); | |
} | |
// X,Y | |
// Put the coordinates in clockwise order | |
DrawShape([100, 100], [100, 200], [200, 200], [200, 100]); | |
DrawShape([512, 128], [600, 256], [684, 320], [600, 386], [686, 514], [512, 450],[340,512],[428,386],[340,320],[428,256]); |
I run some tests, the problem is 300 ppi.. it will only work on 72 ppi.
Thanx for answer. Can you give me some advice how to create shapes in documents with any resolution?
My solution is
var docCoef = Doc.resolution / 72;
DrawShape([100/docCoef, 100/docCoef], [100/docCoef, 200/docCoef], [200/docCoef, 200/docCoef], [200/docCoef, 100/docCoef]);
But it's too dirty
There must be some better solution to be used in the script directly.. but if it works it's Ok.
I'm not a programmer. I'm a DTP artist. I don't know JavaScript as a programmer.
When the number of points is more than 1000, they will not work. Can you solve it?
I modified the script.
- Now it will do all the conversions necessary to work at whatever document resolution you are in. (It does only accept parameters in pixels.)
- The first parameter must be an RGB color
- You can add additional points in a point to make it a bezier point. See commented examples in the script
Hi, is there any other way to draw a shape without using PathPointInfo ? Because I want to draw it in all units of the ruler but when I convert the position (pixels to points for example), I get an error: "Error point value expected".
When I draw a circle or a rectangle, I have no problem to convert but I go directly through the code retrieved by a macro with the Script Listener plugin.
I don't know of another way to draw a shape, however, I did create a fork of this gist and added the ability to set the color of the shape and the units you are using to define your shape. Calling the function is a bit different, but it is more flexible out of the box.
I'm sorry. I am new to GitHub and don't know how to ask right here.
I can’t understand which units of measure use this script. For example, I am creating a new document in Photoshop with a width and height of 400 pixels and a resolution of 300 ppi. Then I run your script with just one function call:
DrawShape ([100, 100], [100, 200], [200, 200], [200, 100]);
In theory, I should get a square right in the center of the document. But as a result, I get a square shape with equal coordinates and a size of 415.69 pixels or 35.30 mm.
How can i fix this?