Throughout life as a software developer you see a lot of gems. Code gems.
Things that are well done, things that are not well done and things that are just plain wrong.
Programming perls I encountered myself over the years. Mainly the bad ones. Epic mistakes to remember. Things I've seen that cannot be unseen.
thread sleeps 10ms to "prevent" concurrency issues
our logic code implemented on 3rd party JavaScript files (non-minified js dependencies, such as from npm and such)
our logic code implemented on MINIFIED JavaScript files, deployed live, not committed anywhere
noticed this after we deployed a new version live and it broke.
then we make a diff with the backup files.
then we thanked god for inventing backup files -
to git ignore (orig files are internal git files for resolving conflicts) -
Test URLs hard-coded on payment DLLs
Found this out after decompiling the DLL from live, while investigating a ticket about missing payments -
jira ticket FOO-123
Title: "Implement Everything"
Description: "none"
Assignee: "Jesus" (a guy named jesus actually worked there) -
because someone with permissions to create a new repo took several months to do so, the devs emailed each other with the project zip, and locally merged stuff
hard coded configuration, URLs, passwords, user names, etc
committed code that does not compile
committed code that never gets executed
unit test cases that don't compile because someone deleted some classes without re-running the tests
unit test cases with api calls, http calls, DB interaction, ...
you name it! they've got it tested! -
committed projects with local disk references and those reference files not committed
have server side XSLT generating front end HTML (annotated with the CSS and all)
have one HTTP redirect file with 8k+ lines
files on source control -
copy-paste source control: where several versions of the file are kept and committed
example: foo1.a, foo2.a, ... or barDec.a, barOct.a, ... -
'relational' DB's WHITHOUT FK
DB tables with INT type column and no FK constrains for other table's IDs
but only for some tables, because its more fun this way -
static all the things
projects where most classes and methods are static -
source code files where the IDE tells you:
"sup, dog! I'm going to turn intellisense off now. kthxbye!"
(+10K lines on single class) -
code on DB tables
html "templates" that code loads and returns to the browser
binary DLLs, dynamically loaded (a personal favorite)
custom encryption algorithm
because we dont store plain text passwords! -
custom logging "framework", with