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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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DNS slowdrip
local slowdrip = {
tracked = {},
blocked = {},
window = 60, -- Length of the tracking window
threshold = 100, -- Number of NXDOMAINs before blocking
-- Track suffixes of names leading to NXDOMAIN
layer = {
finish = function(state, req, answer)
local parent = answer:qname()
parent = parent:sub(parent:find('.',0,true), -1)
if answer:rcode() == kres.rcode.NXDOMAIN then
local count = (slowdrip.tracked[parent] or 0) + 1
if count == slowdrip.threshold then
table.insert(slowdrip.blocked, parent)
slowdrip.tracked[parent] = count
return state
-- Set up suffix tracking and periodic flushing
init = function(modules)
block:add(block.suffix_common(block.DROP, slowdrip.blocked))
slowdrip.ev = event.recurrent(slowdrip.window * sec, function (ev)
local count = #slowdrip.blocked
for i=1, count do slowdrip.blocked[i] = nil end
slowdrip.tracked = {}
-- Stop tracking on unload
deinit = function(modules)
return slowdrip
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