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Created January 29, 2019 18:25
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An example of how to use regex in the parse statement of a CloudWatch Insights query
#!/usr/bin/env bash
query_string=$(cat << EndOfMessage
fields @timestamp, @logStream, headers.X-Amzn-Trace-Id, @transId, @message
| parse @message /(transactionId:[ ]?)(?<@transId>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/
| filter @transId = a4c475516be5445a87fbb81bb7a4b365
) \
&& \
query_id=`aws logs start-query --log-group-name /aws/lambda/console_log \
--start-time $(TZ='UTC' date -d "-1 day" +%s%3N) \
--end-time $(TZ='UTC' date +%s%3N) \
--query-string "$query_string" --output text` \
&& \
aws logs get-query-results --query-id $query_id | python -m json.tool
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vatshat commented Jan 29, 2019

Take special note that CloudWatch will automatically create a new field/column in the query result using the Regex named group from the parse statement as the field name. So in the above query, a new field will be created named transId because of this name group ?<@transId>

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vatshat commented Jan 29, 2019

Additionally, you don't have to specify the new field which you're creating from the parse statement in the field statement. CloudWatch will automatically include that field in the query result. I included in this example just for demonstration purposes

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