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Last active April 11, 2018 04:03
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Elisp script to extract law enforcement data from pdf files downloaded from the FBI website.
;; This file contains an example of how to extract data from pdf files using `extract-text-from-files'
;; It extracts state-by-state data on total number of law enforcement employees from pdf files
;; downloaded from the FBI website.
;; There is a lot more data available in these files, but I only need total employees for now.
;; PDF files must first be downloaded from these URLs:
;; data from 2005 onwards is available in .xls which can be extracted more
;; easily without this elisp code and then appended to the .csv file
;; List of files and associated years
(setq lawfilepairs '((1995 . "95sec6.pdf")
(1996 . "96sec6.pdf")
(1997 . "97sec6.pdf")
(1998 . "98sec6.pdf")
(1999 . "99sec6.pdf")
(2000 . "00sec6.pdf")
(2001 . "01sec6.pdf")
(2002 . "02sec6.pdf")
(2003 . "03sec6.pdf")
(2004 . "CIUS_2004_Section6.pdf"))
;; .csv output file
lawcsvfile "US_law-enforcement_employees_1995-2004.csv")
;; Convert the pdf files to text files
(dolist (filepair lawfilepairs)
(shell-command (concat "/usr/bin/env pdftotext -layout " (cdr filepair))))
;; NOTE: you must edit the text files to make sure that the sections containing the state by state
;; employee figures are arranged correctly so that the following code will match all the data.
;; For each .txt file you will need to move a few lines around (it won't take long):
;; 1) first search for the start of the data: (re-search-forward "ALABAMA:? [0-9]+ agencies;")
;; 2) make sure that each state name is directly above the corresponding "population" line
;; you will need to change the "DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA" bit to make sure it's all on the same level
;; 3) most of the data will be in 2 columns so that 2 states are named on a single line, with 2 "population" figures below,
;; or they might be staggered by one line, or they might be on separate lines. In any case you must ensure that the
;; 2nd number following "population" (i.e. the total employees figure) within 2 lines below the corresponding state name
;; and within 55 chars to the right. Also "population" must start on the line below and no further to the left than the
;; state name. You should check the figures with the pdf files to make sure they match up on any changes you made.
;; 4) You can check it is correct by evaluating the following code in the buffer containing the text file:
;; (length (extract-text
;; ((regex "\\([A-Z ]+\\):? [0-9]+ *agencies;")
;; (regex "[Pp]opulation [0-9,]+:?[ .]+\\([0-9,]+\\)")
;; :TL "[A-Z][A-Z ]*:? [0-9]+ *agencies;" :COLS 55 :ROWS 3)
;; :REPS 52 :ERROR 'stop :FLATTEN 1))
;; It should return 51. If you get a number smaller than that then it has missed some data, and you may need to
;; make some adjustments.
;; Extract the data
(let* ((years (mapcar 'car lawfilepairs))
(files (mapcar (lambda (x)
(replace-regexp-in-string "\\.pdf" ".txt" (cdr x)))
;; extract the data
(data (eval `(extract-text-from-files
;; first regex command matches state name
((regex "\\([A-Z ]+\\):? [0-9]+ *agencies;")
;; second regex command matches total number of law enforcement employees
(regex "[Pp]opulation [0-9,]+:?[ .]+\\([0-9,]+\\)")
;; restrict each matching pair to the rectangle defined by the parameters below
:TL "[A-Z][A-Z ]*:? [0-9]+ *agencies;" :COLS 55 :ROWS 3)
;; maximum of 52 repeats
:REPS 52
;; stop when no more matches can be found
:ERROR 'stop
;; flatten the results by 1 level
:FLATTEN 1))))
;; now insert the data in .csv format into a temporary buffer:
;; insert column headers
(insert "state,total employees,year\n")
;; loop over data extracted from each file
(cl-loop for lst in data
for year in years
;; loop over each record in the current list/file
do (mapc (lambda (x)
;; insert data:
(insert (car x) ","
;; remove comma's from employee figures
(replace-regexp-in-string "," "" (cadr x)) ","
;; convert year to string
(number-to-string year) "\n"))
;; write the data to a .csv file
(write-file lawcsvfile)))
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