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Patrick Van Stee vanstee

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vanstee / main.go
Last active September 30, 2021 01:28
Run go tests with verbose flag in coderpad
package main
import (
func main() {
// register test flags
vanstee /
Last active May 27, 2020 15:06
Docker COPY busting cache on CentOS

Docker COPY busting cache on CentOS

We build a large number of images in CI and rely on images built with buildkit that contain inline cache. Recently, after switching from using buildctl build directly to using docker build with DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 exported and the BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 build arg, we've noticed that cache works as expected only up until a COPY instruction, as shown with steps to reproduce below.

Build on OS X and push to Docker Hub

We expect this exercise to take about 1 hour to complete. You may choose any programming language, and you may use online references/documentation/etc just as you would in your normal programming. Assume that you are writing production-level code and be sure to include test cases.

Write a program to connect to a TCP server, running at, TCP port 7777. The server uses a raw, line-oriented text protocol: this is not an HTTP server.

For each list of words that the server sends, your program should send back only the words that are palindromes (words whose letters are the same in reverse order).

For example, if the server sends:

zittmttiz xfiyisggdt rzainiazr moqwyke
vanstee / better.ex
Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
Chaining Ecto queries using a default query param
defmodule UserQueries do
def in_organization(query \\ User, organization) do
from u in query,
where: u.organization_id == ^
def in_patricks_family(query \\ User) do
from u in query,
where: u.last_name == ^"Van Stee"
vanstee / Makefile
Created May 28, 2015 17:39
Building frontend stuff with make
# Base dirs
SRC_DIR = src
TMP_DIR = tmp
DEV_DIR = dev
vanstee / gist:82d6514e63010c7a2956
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def params


UGtastic is a service that connects user-group organizers with sponsorship opportunities. We seek to faciliate reliable and respectful communications and access for companies looking to connect with user-group communities.

We need to at a minimum provide a way for potential supporters to register and select sponsorship opportunities that can distribute those funds across user-group Builders


  • Builder: User-Group organizer, community manager.
  • Supporter: Paid sponsor for User-Groups communities. Could be a recruiter, marketing person, or hiring manager.

Example singular request

curl -H "application/json"

  "user": {
    "name": "Patrick Van Stee",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Known as the "Sticky Shotgun" approach. The tactical steps are:

  1. Give everyone a pad of stickies and marker.
  2. Take 5 minutes to write down whatever comes to mind from the release.
  3. Stick each sticky in correct "zone" on whiteboard. (Keep Doing. Less Of. More Of. Stop Doing. Start Doing.)
  4. Give a very quick explanation while adding it.
  5. Group the stickies in each zone into into affinity groups.
  6. Discuss each affinity group and try to identify what needs to be done to solve the issues; or what was done that makes them worth keeping.
  7. Vote on 2-3 most important issues so the team can prioritize/know what needs to be addressed first.
vanstee / import_confy.rb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
Import heroku env vars into confy
require 'confyio'
CONFY_URL_REGEX = /https?:\/\/(?<org>.*):(?<password>.*)\/orgs\/(?<org>.*)\/projects\/(?<project>.*)\/envs\/(?<env>.*)\/config/
confy_url = %x[heroku config | grep CONFY_URL].chomp.split(' ', 2).last
if confy_url.empty?
puts "Your CONFY_URL hasn't been set yet. Run `heroku addons:add confy` and try again."
exit 1