Using oc debug
commands, this AI-generated gobbledygook script will collect all of the relevant useful information that can be gathered about attached physical disks. This script will evolve over time, but will use a custom image for running oc debug
While you're here, I would suggest checking out my other dirty hack for getting NIC information!
NOTE: *By default, the variable is used for an SNO. If you want to use another node, just change it to the standard node/<node-name>
syntax and this script will work just fine.
NODE_NAME=$(oc get no -o name)
oc debug $NODE_NAME --image=fedora:latest --tty=true --as-root=true -- /bin/bash -c "
# Inform the user that the process will take some time
echo 'This process may take a while, depending on the number of connected disks on this system.'
echo 'Please wait while we gather the data. This process could take several minutes.'
# Start the timer
# Background loop to print a dot every 10 seconds
while true; do
sleep 10
echo -n '.'
) &
# Install necessary tools silently
dnf install -y util-linux sysstat fio jq > /dev/null 2>&1
# Create a temporary file to store the output
# Write the header to the temporary file
printf '%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-15s %-15s\n' 'Disk' 'Size (G)' 'Type' 'HDD/SSD' 'Read IOPS' 'Write IOPS' > \$tmpfile
# Loop through each physical disk
for disk in \$(lsblk -nd --output NAME,TYPE | awk '\$2 == \"disk\" {print \$1}'); do
# Get disk size
size=\$(lsblk -nd --output SIZE -b /dev/\$disk | awk '{print \$1/1024/1024/1024}')
# Get rotational status
rotational=\$(cat /sys/block/\$disk/queue/rotational 2>/dev/null)
# Set type based on rotational status
if [ \"\$rotational\" = \"1\" ]; then
elif [ \"\$rotational\" = \"0\" ]; then
# Get disk type label
disk_type=\$(lsblk -nd --output TYPE /dev/\$disk)
# Run fio to get read and write IOPS
fio_output=\$(fio --name=test --filename=/dev/\$disk --ioengine=libaio --rw=randrw --bs=4k --direct=1 --size=1G --numjobs=1 --runtime=30 --time_based --group_reporting --output-format=json)
read_iops=\$(echo \"\$fio_output\" | jq '.jobs[0].read.iops')
write_iops=\$(echo \"\$fio_output\" | jq '.jobs[0].write.iops')
# Print the information in the structured format
printf '%-10s %-10s %-10s %-10s %-15s %-15s\n' \"\$disk\" \"\${size}G\" \"\$disk_type\" \"\$type\" \"\$read_iops\" \"\$write_iops\" >> \$tmpfile
# Stop the dot-printing background process
kill \$DOT_PID
# Print the output
cat \$tmpfile
# Remove the temporary file
rm -f \$tmpfile
# Display the elapsed time
echo 'Process completed in '\$SECONDS' seconds.'
Example Output:
Starting pod/roderika-debug-mc5mq ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
Disk Size (G) Type HDD/SSD Read IOPS Write IOPS
sda 931G disk HDD 2759.074698 2747.741742
sdb 7448G disk HDD 3719.442685 3710.442985
sdc 5587.5G disk HDD 4014.032866 4009.833006
sdd 3725.5G disk HDD 180.293990 181.593947
sde 931G disk HDD 168.915992 170.815422
Process completed in 178 seconds.
Removing debug pod ...