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Created January 2, 2011 17:12
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example corentins evaluator
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving#-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Typeable
type PlayerNumber = Int
type RuleNumber = Int
type Game = Int
type Comm = Int
type Action = Int
type Actions = [Action]
data EvaluatorT m a = EvaluatorT (Game -> m (Game, Either Actions a))
type EvaluatorIO a = EvaluatorT IO a
type Evaluator a = EvaluatorT Identity a
runEvaluator (EvaluatorT f) game = f game
execEvaluator e g = fmap fst $ runEvaluator e g
evalEvaluator e g = fmap snd $ runEvaluator e g
instance Functor m => Functor (EvaluatorT m) where
f `fmap` e = EvaluatorT $ fmap (second $ right f) . runEvaluator e
-- Applicative instances with different semantics in Game-State handling
-- on Left values
-- instance (Monad m, Applicative m) => Applicative (EvaluatorT m) where
-- pure a = EvaluatorT $ \g -> pure (g, Right a)
-- ef <*> ev = EvaluatorT $ \g -> do
-- (g', resf) <- runEvaluator ef g
-- (g'', resv) <- runEvaluator ev g'
-- return $ case (resf, resv) of
-- (Left a1, Left a2) -> (g, Left (a1 ++ a2))
-- (Left a , _ ) -> (g, Left a)
-- (_ , Left a ) -> (g, Left a)
-- (Right f, Right v) -> (g'', Right $ f v)
instance (Monad m, Applicative m) => Applicative (EvaluatorT m) where
pure a = EvaluatorT $ \g -> pure (g, Right a)
ef <*> ev = EvaluatorT $ \g -> do
(g', resf) <- runEvaluator ef g
case resf of
Left a1 -> do resv <- evalEvaluator ev g
return $ case resv of
Left a2 -> (g, Left (a1 ++ a2))
Right _ -> (g, Left a1)
Right f -> do (g'', resv) <- runEvaluator ev g'
return $ case resv of
Left a -> (g, Left a)
Right v -> (g'', Right $ f v)
instance (Monad m) => Monad (EvaluatorT m) where
return a = EvaluatorT $ \g -> return (g, Right a)
ma >>= f = EvaluatorT $ \g -> do
(g', resa) <- runEvaluator ma g
case resa of
Right a -> runEvaluator (f a) g'
Left acts -> return (g', Left acts)
data Obs a where
ProposedBy :: Obs PlayerNumber
RuleNumber :: Obs RuleNumber
SelfNumber :: Obs RuleNumber
Official :: Obs Bool
AllPlayers :: Obs [PlayerNumber]
Equ :: (Eq a, Show a, Typeable a) => Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs Bool
Plus :: (Num a) => Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs a
Time :: (Num a) => Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs a
Minus :: (Num a) => Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs a
And :: Obs Bool -> Obs Bool -> Obs Bool
Or :: Obs Bool -> Obs Bool -> Obs Bool
Not :: Obs Bool -> Obs Bool
If :: Obs Bool -> Obs a -> Obs a -> Obs a
Konst :: a -> Obs a
Map :: (Obs a -> Obs b) -> Obs [a] -> Obs [b]
Foldr :: (Obs a -> Obs b -> Obs b) -> Obs b -> Obs [a] -> Obs b
Vote :: Obs String -> Obs Int -> Obs Bool
evalOp2 o a b = o <$> eval a <*> eval b
eval :: (Monad m,Applicative m) => Obs a -> EvaluatorT m a
eval (Konst a) = return a
eval (Equ a b) = evalOp2 (==) a b
eval (Plus a b) = evalOp2 (+) a b
eval (Time a b) = evalOp2 (*) a b
eval (Minus a b) = evalOp2 (-) a b
eval (And a b) = evalOp2 (&&) a b
eval (Or a b) = evalOp2 (||) a b
eval (Not a) = not <$> eval a
eval (If ot oa ob) = do t <- eval ot; eval $ if t then oa else ob
eval (Map f lst) = join (evalSequence <$> map (eval.f.Konst) <$> eval lst)
eval (Foldr f init lst) = join (eval <$> foldr (f.Konst) init <$> eval lst)
-- evalSequence with different semantics using either monadic instance of the
-- applicative one
evalSequence :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => [EvaluatorT m a] -> EvaluatorT m [a]
-- evalSequence = sequence -- this one uses the monadic interface
evalSequence [] = pure [] -- and this one uses the applicative one
evalSequence (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> evalSequence xs
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