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Last active December 19, 2015 16:29
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DRAFT! Refinery CMS 2.1.0 upgrade guide

Upgrading from version 2.0.10 to version 2.1.x

This guide will guide you through the upgrade process from version 2.0.10 to version 2.1.×.


WARNING. This guide assumes that you will be upgrading from version 2.0.10 of Refinery CMS. If your application is not up-to-date we strongly recommend for you to upgrade it to version 2.0.10 before trying to upgrade to version 2.1.0.

WARNING. Before continuing make sure you have a backup copy of your application and database in case something goes wrong.

Updating gems

Open up your application’s Gemfile and change the version of the refinerycms gem entry from 2.0.10 to 2.1.0.

After you complete the steps above your Gemfile should look like this:

gem “refinerycms”, “~> 2.1.0”

Now run bundle install and let it install new gems.

Running Refinery’s CMS generator

WARNING: If the application you will be upgrading is using SQLite database then you need to read Refinery’s CMS generator and SQLite database.

Go to the terminal and run following command:

rails generate refinery:cms

This command will do a couple of things:

  • Add two css requires in application.css
  • Update app/views/sitemap/index.xml.builder template
  • Wrap config.action_mailer config in if config.respond_to?(:action_mailer) clause for each environment file located in app/config/environments
  • Copy new migrations
  • Run rake db:migrate and rake db:seed commands

NOTE: If you don’t want the generator to run rake db:migrate and rake db:seed commands pass the —skip_db option when invoking the generator:

rails generate refinery:cms —skip_db

Refinery’s CMS generator and SQLite database

INFO. Because SQLite can only handle index names that are no longer than 64 characters you will have to edit one of the migrations that will be generated when you run the following command in the terminal:

rails generate refinery:cms —skip_db

Go inside of db/migrate and find a migration called remove_meta_keywords_from_seo_meta.seometa.rb. Open it in the editor of your choice and replace everything with the code from this gist

It will check if seo_meta tables has and index named index_seo_meta_on_seo_meta_id_and_seo_meta_type and in case it does it will:

  • Remove current index named seo_meta_id_and_seo_meta_type
  • Remove meta_keywords column
  • Add original index but with a shorter name

Now run rake db:migrate.


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