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Created August 9, 2018 19:11
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Tykeal's quick vim enhancement setup
# Make sure the following applications are installed on your system:
# puppet, puppet-lint, shellcheck, yamllint
# If you aren't doing any puppet development then puppet & puppet-lint can be
# skipped as can rodjek/vim-puppet
mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle && pushd ~/.vim/bundle
for i in scrooloose/syntastic godlygeek/tabular elzr/vim-json \
tpope/vim-pathogen rodjek/vim-puppet
git clone${i}.git
# configure pathogen to work
echo '" add pathogen
runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim
call pathogen#infect()' > ~/pathogen.txt
cat ~/pathogen.txt ~/.vimrc >
mv ~/.vimrc
rm -f ~/pathogen.txt
# configure yamllint to do our yaml linting
echo "\" set our yaml linter
let g:syntastic_yaml_checkers = ['yamllint']" >> ~/.vimrc
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