I hereby claim:
- I am tvinke on github.
- I am tvinke (https://keybase.io/tvinke) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2C35 7D95 D5E4 2CC3 6604 891C FAEF 78C0 CD43 8C6B
To claim this, I am signing this object:
response.status 500 | |
def e = request.getAttribute('javax.servlet.error.exception') | |
if (e instanceof Exception) { | |
// since its almost always an InvocationTargetException get actual cause | |
e = ((Exception)e.getCause()) | |
} | |
// us JSON API support - see http://views.grails.org/latest/#_json_api_support | |
json jsonapi.render(e) |
// Small JSON printer | |
// | |
// Just feed some JSON to this script to display it in tabular form. | |
// Usage e.g. | |
// http api.example.com/users/1 Authorization:"..." | groovy JsonTable.groovy | |
// | |
// Limit amount of rows | |
// http api.example.com/users Authorization:"..." | groovy JsonTable.groovy -l 10 | |
// |
// Ansi colors in Groovy | |
// Author: Ted Vinke | |
import static Ansi.* | |
println color("BOLD", Ansi.BOLD) | |
println color("ITALIC", Ansi.ITALIC) | |
println color("UNDERLINE", Ansi.UNDERLINE) | |
println color("BLINK", Ansi.BLINK) | |
println color("RAPID_BLINK", Ansi.RAPID_BLINK) | |
println color("REVERSE_VIDEO", Ansi.REVERSE_VIDEO) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: