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tvinke / error.gson
Created June 6, 2018 11:58
Rendering the Exception in a Grails JSON View
response.status 500
def e = request.getAttribute('javax.servlet.error.exception')
if (e instanceof Exception) {
// since its almost always an InvocationTargetException get actual cause
e = ((Exception)e.getCause())
// us JSON API support - see
json jsonapi.render(e)
tvinke / JsonTable.groovy
Created April 18, 2018 14:57
Groovy script to output JSON from standard input as a table to the terminal (examples of CliBuilder, JsonSlurper and ANSI coloring)
// Small JSON printer
// Just feed some JSON to this script to display it in tabular form.
// Usage e.g.
// http Authorization:"..." | groovy JsonTable.groovy
// Limit amount of rows
// http Authorization:"..." | groovy JsonTable.groovy -l 10
tvinke / GroovyAnsi.groovy
Created April 18, 2018 14:21
Simple ANSI colors in the terminal written in Groovy
// Ansi colors in Groovy
// Author: Ted Vinke
import static Ansi.*
println color("BOLD", Ansi.BOLD)
println color("ITALIC", Ansi.ITALIC)
println color("UNDERLINE", Ansi.UNDERLINE)
println color("BLINK", Ansi.BLINK)
println color("RAPID_BLINK", Ansi.RAPID_BLINK)
println color("REVERSE_VIDEO", Ansi.REVERSE_VIDEO)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tvinke on github.
  • I am tvinke ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2C35 7D95 D5E4 2CC3 6604 891C FAEF 78C0 CD43 8C6B

To claim this, I am signing this object: