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Created November 18, 2011 20:16
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Get the number of followers and following on Twitter
alvaro@ideas:~$ ipython --no-banner -i
In [1]: number_of_following('turicas')
Out[1]: 627
In [2]: number_of_followers('turicas')
Out[2]: 1253
import urllib
import json
URL_API = ''
def number_of_following(username):
url = URL_API + 'friends/ids.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=' + username
following = urllib.urlopen(url)
contents =
list_of_following = json.loads(contents)['ids']
return len(list_of_following)
def number_of_followers(username):
url = URL_API + 'followers/ids.json?cursor=-1&screen_name=' + username
following = urllib.urlopen(url)
contents =
list_of_following = json.loads(contents)['ids']
return len(list_of_following)
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