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Created September 16, 2014 14:42
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module.exports = SessionProvider = () ->
currentUser = null
$get: ($log, $rootScope, $location, $state, $injector, localStorageService) ->
authService = $injector.get('jwtAuthService')
# Default login starting logic.
loginStart = (next, nextParams) ->
$log.debug "SessionProvider: redirecting to /login"
# Redirects the user to the redirect search term if it exists.
loginSuccess = () ->
if $rootScope.requestedState?
$state.go($rootScope.requestedState, $rootScope.requestedStateParams)
$rootScope.requestedState = null
$rootScope.requestedStateParams = null
$location.path "/"
# Redirect to / after logout
logoutSuccess = () ->
$log.debug "SessionProvider: redirecting to /"
$location.path "/"
# Check authentication before changing route state
stateChange = (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) ->
$log.debug "SessionProvider: attempt to access #{} state"
if authService.isAuthenticated() or toState.public
$log.debug "SessionProvider: #{if toState.public then "guest" else "authorized "} access to #{} state (allowed)"
$log.debug "SessionProvider: access to #{} state (denied)"
# Saving current state to redirect there after successful login
$rootScope.requestedState = toState
$rootScope.requestedStateParams = toParams
loginStart toState, toParams
# Check authentication before changing route state
$rootScope.$on "$stateChangeStart", (event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) ->
stateChange event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams
getToken: ->
# Proxy auth service getCurrentUser
getCurrentUser: ->
bindCurrentUserTo: (scope, varName) ->
currentUser = this.getCurrentUser()
# Setting current user to the scope at first place
scope[varName] = currentUser
# updating currentUser from the scope to local storage
scope.$watchCollection varName, (user) ->
localStorageService.set('current_user', angular.toJson(user))
# updating currentUser in scope
scope.$watchCollection authService.getCurrentUser, (user) ->
scope[varName] = user of false
# updates current user preferences, if current user is not present throws an exception
setCurrentUserPreferences: (preferences) ->
currentUser = this.getCurrentUser()
throw new Error("Unable to set current user preferences for non existent user") if not this.isAuthenticated()
currentUser.use_expected_winnings = preferences.use_expected_winnings if preferences.use_expected_winnings?
# Proxies is isAuthenticated to auth service
isAuthenticated: ->
login: (credentials) ->
authService.login(credentials).then (token) ->
loginSuccess() if token
logout: ->
return unless authService.isAuthenticated()
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