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Last active August 9, 2018 04:36
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Tizonia aliases
# Tizonia aliases
alias ti="tizonia"
function tis() {
echo "Shortcuts for tizonia --spotify-*"
echo "tistr arg Search and play from Spotify by track name."
echo "tisar arg Search and play from Spotify by artist name."
echo "tisal arg Search and play from Spotify by album name."
echo "tispl arg Search and play public playlists (owner is assumed current user, unless --spotify-owner is provided)."
echo "tisop ow pl Search and play public playlist by an owner"
alias tistr="tizonia --spotify-tracks"
alias tisar="tizonia --spotify-artist"
alias tisal="tizonia --spotify-album"
alias tispl="tizonia --spotify-playlist"
function tisop() {
#tisop spotify sleep
tizonia --spotify-owner "$1" --spotify-playlist "$2"
function tiy() {
echo "Shortcuts for tizonia --youtube-*"
echo "tiyst arg Play a YouTube audio stream from a video url or video id."
echo "tiypl arg Play a YouTube audio playlist from a playlist url or playlist id."
echo "tiymi arg Play a YouTube mix from a video url or video id."
echo "tiyse arg Search and play YouTube audio streams."
echo "tiyms arg Play a YouTube mix from a search term."
echo "tiycu arg Play all videos uploaded to a YouTube channel (arg = channel url or name)."
echo "tiycp arg Play a playlist from particular YouTube channel (arg = '<channel-name[space]playlist-name>')."
alias tiyst="tizonia --youtube-audio-stream"
alias tiypl="tizonia --youtube-audio-playlist"
alias tiymi="tizonia --youtube-audio-mix"
alias tiyse="tizonia --youtube-audio-search"
alias tiyms="tizonia --youtube-audio-mix-search"
alias tiycu="tizonia --youtube-audio-channel-uploads"
alias tiycp="tizonia --youtube-audio-channel-playlist"
function tig() {
echo "Shortcuts for tizonia --gmusic-*"
echo "tigtr arg Play tracks from the user's library by track name."
echo "tigar arg Play tracks from the user's library by artist."
echo "tigal arg Play an album from the user's library."
echo "tigpl arg A playlist from the user's library."
alias tigtr="tizonia --gmusic-tracks"
alias tigar="tizonia --gmusic-artist"
alias tigal="tizonia --gmusic-album"
alias tigpl="tizonia --gmusic-playlist"
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