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Created January 24, 2017 16:11
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./ migrate
$ ./ migrate
System check identified some issues:
?: (1_8.W001) The standalone TEMPLATE_* settings were deprecated in Django 1.8 and the TEMPLATES dictionary takes precedence. You must put the values of the following settings into your default TEMPLATES dict: TEMPLATE_DIRS, TEMPLATE_DEBUG.
core.BookRole.members: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.
core.Role.permissions: (fields.W340) null has no effect on ManyToManyField.
messaging.Endpoint.config: (fields.W342) Setting unique=True on a ForeignKey has the same effect as using a OneToOneField.
HINT: ForeignKey(unique=True) is usually better served by a OneToOneField.
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: core, account, sessions, admin, djcelery, sites, auth, themes, edit, contenttypes, export, editor, messaging, booktypecontrol
Running migrations:
Rendering model states... DONE
Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
Applying account.0001_initial... OK
Applying account.0002_auto_20150611_0636... OK
Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
Applying booktypecontrol.0001_initial... OK
Applying booktypecontrol.0002_static_user_css... OK
Applying editor.0001_initial... OK
Applying core.0001_initial... OK
Applying djcelery.0001_initial... OK
Applying editor.0002_load_initial_data...Installed 21 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Installed 12 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)
Updating url '' to license 'Public Domain'
Updating url '' to license 'MIT License'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons No Rights Reserved'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike'
Updating url '' to license 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs'
Updating url '' to license 'GNU General Public License'
Updating url '' to license 'GNU Affero General Public License'
Updating url '' to license 'All Rights Reserved'
Applying editor.0003_update_books_toc... OK
Applying editor.0004_convert_endnotes... OK
Applying editor.0005_bookversion_track_changes... OK
Applying editor.0006_auto_20150913_1528... OK
Applying edit.0001_initial... OK
Applying editor.0007_booktoc_settings... OK
Applying export.0001_initial... OK
Applying export.0002_exportsettings... OK
Applying messaging.0001_initial... OK
Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
Applying sites.0001_initial... OK
Applying sites.0002_alter_domain_unique... OK
Applying themes.0001_initial... OK
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