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Last active September 7, 2024 02:35
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Authy to 1Password

Moving Authy to 1Password

1Password 5.3 for OSX, 5.2 for iOS, and for Windows support OTP. I've been using Authy for a while now, but the fact is, I haven't really been using 2FA for some time. As mentioned by 1Password in a recent blog post, having the OTP generator and password on the same device is very much not 2FA. It's just an expiring OTP, which can help, but let's not kid ourselves too much.

With that out of the way. One of the things that was interesting to me was moving my OTP out of Authy and into 1Password. I like the control I get with 1Password, but I didn't want to have to reset all my OTP right away, that would suck. So, I got to dissecting the Authy Chrome App to see what I could do.

Run the Authy Chrome app and make sure it's unlocked.

Now, enable Developer mode in Chrome. We'll need this to inspect the background application that stores all the OTP information. It'll also tell you the Application ID for Authy (gaedmjdfmmahhbjefcbgaolhhanlaolb on my system) which is useful if you want to dive into the actual guts (which I did, a lot.)

Once Developer mode is enabled, click "main.html" next to "Inspect views:". We are going to inject the code below into main.html in order to get a pretty page we can use. On the console window that shows, copy/paste the javascript below and hit enter.

Viola! You can now use this page to move your OTP credentials to 1Password.'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent('<!DOCTYPE html>'+ '<html lang="en">'+ '<head><title>Embedded Window</title></head>'+ '<body>' +
  jQuery(require("models/apps/app_manager").get().getDecryptedApps()).map(function (ndx, elem) {
    if (!elem.decryptedSeed) { return }
    var name = || elem.originalName
    return "<h1><img src='" +
      require('models/assets/asset_manager').get().assetAccounts[elem.accountType].menuItemUrl + 
      "'>" + name + "</h1><h2>" + elem.decryptedSeed + "</h2>" +
      "<img src='|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/" + encodeURI(name) + "%3Fsecret%3D" + elem.decryptedSeed.toLowerCase() + "'/>"
  + '</body>'+ '</html>' ) );

Minified (for copy/pasta)"data:text/html;charset=utf-8,"+encodeURIComponent('<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>Embedded Window</title></head><body>'+jQuery(require("models/apps/app_manager").get().getDecryptedApps()).map(function(e,t){if(t.decryptedSeed){var||t.originalName;return"<h1><img src='"+require("models/assets/asset_manager").get().assetAccounts[t.accountType].menuItemUrl+"'>"+r+"</h1><h2>"+t.decryptedSeed+"</h2><img src='|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/"+encodeURI(r)+"%3Fsecret%3D"+t.decryptedSeed.toLowerCase()+"'/>"}}).toArray().join("<br>")+"</body></html>"));
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I'm trying to use the code mentioned above, but I think that Chrome has changed their Developer interface. When I go to Menu >> More tools >> Extensions, I see a bunch of blocks listing my installed Chrome extensions. I figured out that I need to click on the Inspect views background page to get to the code associated to the Authy extension. However, I'm lost after that.

Could someone help with the last few details to install the @akurtz code?

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fallen90 commented May 2, 2019

@JazzTech You can open the page chrome://extensions/?id=gaedmjdfmmahhbjefcbgaolhhanlaolb and in there, you should see main.html under Inspect views.

Oh and if no main.html is in the list, and the background page says (inactive) make sure to open the app first

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JazzTech commented May 4, 2019

Thanks, @fallen90 - I have found that this thread is more active and more up-to-date on supporting Authy token exports.

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Neat idea, for sure, but not a fan of sending every private key over the wire to Google (or anyone). Would be great if your generated page could do it all client-side, e.g. include QRCode.js to create each image.

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Heya, looks like the Authy for chrome is no longer supported. But, still works. The only thing is part of the original code, in this case require functions, are missing now. But I was able to generate the QRCodes after changing to this

    .map(x => {
        return {
            title: x.account_type == 'authenticator' ? : `${} -> ${x.account_type}`,
            name: encodeURI( || x.original_name),
            dec: x.decrypted_seed
    .map(x => {
        return {
            t: x.title,
            qr: `|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/${}%3Fsecret%3D${x.dec.toLowerCase()}`
    .map(x => `<h1>${x.t}</h1><img src='${x.qr}'/>`)

Important to mention, I wasn't able to use the function, instead I just copied the result of this new function and used some html render to be able to do the process.

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Looks like x.decrypted_seed is now null @lu-moreira but thanks for this snippet.

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