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Last active December 18, 2018 18:48
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An example of using custom route hooks in a vue universal web application's client entrypoint.
const store = createStore()
// data populated from server
const router = createRouter()
const routerReady = new Promise(resolve => {
}).then(() => {
// onReady hook
// request all the inital route's lazy data without blocking rendering
router.getMatchedComponents(router.currentRoute).forEach(component => {
// allow hook to be optional
if (component.lazyData) {
component.lazyData(store, router.currentRoute, {})
// subcribe to the beforeResolve hook to
// request permissions for subsequent navigation
router.beforeResolve((to, from, next) => {
const matched = router.getMatchedComponents(to)
const permissionPromises = => {
// allow hook to be optional
if (component.permissions) {
return component.permissions(store, to, from)
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
// subcribe to the afterEach hook to
// request critical data and lazy data for subsequent navigation
router.afterEach((to, from) => {
const matched = router.getMatchedComponents(to)
matched.forEach(component => {
// allow hook to be optional
if (component.criticalData) {
component.criticalData(store, to, from)
matched.forEach(component => {
// allow hook to be optional
if (component.lazyData) {
component.lazyData(store, to, from)
const app = createApp(store, router)
routerReady.then(() => {
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