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Last active May 31, 2017 20:35
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import Vue from 'vue'
import { some } from 'utils/arr'
const harmlessMessages = [
// Facebook throws error that doesn't matter to us
// Chrome from autocomplete bug.
const isHarmlessMessage = message => {
if (!message) {
return false
return some(harmless => message.indexOf(harmless) !== -1, harmlessMessages)
export default onError => {
window.addEventListener('error', e => {
let info = {
type: 'ClientError',
title: 'Something Not Awesome Happened',
message: "Yeah...that's about all I can tell you",
details: ['Oh yeah and I like hamburgers'],
if (e.error) {
const message = e.error.message
if (isHarmlessMessage(message)) {
info = {,
title: 'Unhandled Error',
details: [e.error.stack],
onError(info, e)
window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', e => {
const info = {
type: 'UnhandledRejection',
title: 'Unhandled Promise Rejection',
message: 'A promise was rejected without a reason',
details: ['Try searching for reject()'],
if (e.reason) {
info.message = e.reason.message
info.details = [e.reason.stack]
onError(info, e)
Vue.config.errorHandler = function vueErrorHandler (error, component, info) {
const vueErrorInfo = {
type: 'VueError',
title: 'Vue Error Handler',
message: error.message,
details: [
`Component name: ${component.$}`,
`Vue Info: ${info}`,
onError(vueErrorInfo, error)
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