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Last active May 20, 2024 14:26
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Simple script to download files from single web page
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if (( $# > 0 )); then destination=$1; else destination="."; fi
# Check for required commands
required=(awk grep lynx wget); missing=()
for command in ${required[@]}; do
hash $command 2>/dev/null || missing+=($command)
if (( ${#missing[@]} > 0 )); then
echo "[FATAL] could not find command(s): ${missing[@]}. Exiting!"
exit 1
# Edit these two variables as needed (example usage for 'The MagPi' magazine issues)
echo -n "[GET] Reading source links... "
file=($(lynx -listonly -dump $sourcepath | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' | grep $pattern))
echo "DONE"
for dl in ${file[@]}; do
if [[ ! -f $destination/$dl ]]; then
echo -n "[MISSING] Downloading to $destination/$dl"
wget -q -P $destination --show-progress $sourcepath/$dl
echo "[FOUND] Skipping $destination/$dl"
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traek commented Jul 15, 2022

This method no longer works for The MagPi (it was broken quite some time ago) but is still useful for similar pages. I made another attempt that specifically downloads any available Raspberry Pi Press publications here:

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jclack2 commented Sep 26, 2023

This is cool - thank you!

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