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Created October 31, 2018 10:58
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dynamicHMC with diffeq MWE
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DynamicHMC, TransformVariables, LogDensityProblems, MCMCDiagnostics,
Parameters, Distributions, LinearAlgebra
struct BayesianODEProblem{F, U, S, T, P, N, D}
f::F # ODE
u::U # initial value
timespan::S # timespan as a tuple
timepoints::T # evaluated at these points
logprior::P # callable, return the log prior of parameters
noise::N # a noise distribution for observations
data::D # observed data
function simulate_problem(f, u, timepoints, noise, parameters, logprior)
timespan = extrema(timepoints) .+ (0, √eps()) # NOTE: extend timespan for robustness
odeproblem = ODEProblem(f, u, timespan, parameters)
solution = solve(odeproblem, Tsit5()) # NOTE: method hardcoded
data = [solution(timepoint) .+ rand(noise) for timepoint in timepoints]
BayesianODEProblem(f, u, timespan, timepoints, logprior, noise, data)
function (problem::BayesianODEProblem)(parameters)
@unpack f, u, timespan, timepoints, logprior, noise, data = problem
u_widened = typeof(parameters.a).(u) # NOTE: UGLY HACK
odeproblem = ODEProblem(f, u_widened, timespan, parameters)
solution = solve(odeproblem, Tsit5())
loglikelihood = sum(logpdf(noise, d .- solution(timepoint))
for (d, timepoint) in zip(data, timepoints))
loglikelihood + logprior(parameters)
function parameterized_lotkavolterra(du, u, p, t)
@unpack a = p
x, y = u
du[1] = a*x - x*y
du[2] = -3*y + x*y
function prior_lotkavolterra(parameters)
@unpack a = parameters
logpdf(Normal(0, 10), a) # very vague but proper prior
a₀ = 1.5
θ₀ = (a = a₀, )
p = simulate_problem(parameterized_lotkavolterra, # problem
[1.0, 1.0], # initial position
range(0, stop = 10, length = 10), # timepoints
MvNormal(zeros(2), Diagonal(ones(2) * 0.1)), # noise
θ₀, # initial parameters
p((a = a₀, )) # test
t = as((a = asℝ₊, )) # transformation: to positive
P = TransformedLogDensity(t, p) # transformed to work on ℝⁿ
∇P = ADgradient(Val(:ForwardDiff), P) # gradient via AD
logdensity(LogDensityProblems.ValueGradient, ∇P, [1.0]) # test gradient
chain, nuts = NUTS_init_tune_mcmc(∇P, 1000); q = inverse(t, (a = a₀,))
NUTS_statistics(chain) # very nice
mapslices(effective_sample_size, get_position_matrix(chain); dims = 1) # OK
posterior = t.(get_position.(chain))
using PGFPlotsX
agrid = range(1.45, stop = 1.5, length = 1000)
ℓgrid = [p((a = a, )) for a in agrid]
@pgf Axis({ xlabel = "a", ylabel = "log posterior"}, Plot({ no_marks}, Table(agrid, ℓgrid)))
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