This is a php.ini
file for PHP v7.3 which is installed via remi repository,
$ cat /etc/opt/remi/php73/php.ini
# This workflow uses actions that are not certified by GitHub. | |
# They are provided by a third-party and are governed by | |
# separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support | |
# documentation. | |
# Sample workflow for building and deploying a Jekyll site to GitHub Pages | |
name: Deploy Jekyll site to Pages | |
on: | |
# Runs on pushes targeting the default branch |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
答えが10以下の1を含む足し算・引き算を30問作成してください。 問題は2列のmarkdown形式の表にまとめてください。
問題 | 問題 |
1 + 4 = ? | 6 - 1 = ? |
require "bundler/inline" | |
gemfile(true) do | |
source "" | |
git_source(:github) { |repo| "{repo}.git" } | |
gem "activerecord" | |
gem "sqlite3" | |
gem "enumerize" #, '2.6.1' |
sips(1) General Commands Manual sips(1) | |
NAME | |
sips – scriptable image processing system. | |
sips [image-functions] imagefile ... | |
sips [profile-functions] profile ... | |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Define the list of file paths | |
filelist=( | |
"config/database.yml" | |
"config/setting.yml" | |
"config.yml" | |
) | |
# Check for the existence of each file |
Codename | Version Build |
PHP | Python | Ruby | Perl |
Mac OS X Lion |
10.7.5 Build 11G63 |
5.3.15 | 2.7.1 | 1.8.7 | 5.12.3 |
OS X Mountain Lion |
10.8.5 Build 12F2560 |
5.3.29 | 2.7.2 | 1.8.7 | 5.12.4 |
OS X Mavericks |
10.9.5 Build 13F1112 |
5.4.43 | 2.7.5 | 2.0.0p481 | 5.16.2 |
OS X Yosemite |
10.10.5 Build 14F2511 |
5.5.38 | 2.7.10 | 2.0.0p481 | 5.18.2 |
OS X El Capitan |
10.11.6 Build 15G19009 |
5.5.38 | 2.7.10 | 2.0.0p648 | 5.18.2 |
macOS Sierra |
10.12.5 Build 16F73 |
5.6.30 | 2.7.10 | 2.0.0p648 | 5.18.2 |
macOS High Sierra |
10.13.4 Build 17F199 |
7.1.14 | 2.7.10 | 2.3.3p222 | 5.18.2 |
macOSMojave | 10.14.6Build 18G103 | 7.1.23 | 2.7.10 | 2.3.7p456 | 5.18.4 |