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Script to rewrite the MP3 metadata in Ken Burns' Jazz album to be based on the length of the whole album
# The Ken Burns Jazz album MP3s from Amazon have separate track and disc
# number metadata, but many MP3 players don't look at the disc number,
# which makes it hard to play the album's tracks in order.
# This script goes through all the MP3's of the album and removes the
# disc number and rewrites the track number to be based on all the
# tracks in the album, rather than all the tracks on a particular disc.
# This script could theoretically be used on any other multi-disc MP3
# album, but I've only tried it on the Ken Burns Jazz MP3 album in
# particular.
# Note that this code was informed by the following:
from pathlib import Path
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
import glob
ALBUM_MP3_GLOB = Path("album") / "*.mp3"
mp3_files = glob.glob(str(ALBUM_MP3_GLOB))
tracks = []
for mp3_file in mp3_files:
p = Path(mp3_file)
mp3 = MP3(mp3_file, ID3=EasyID3)
if 'discnumber' not in mp3:
raise Exception(
'No "discnumber" in MP3 metadata! Has this script '
'already been run?'
disc = int(mp3['discnumber'][0].split('/')[0])
track = int(mp3['tracknumber'][0].split('/')[0])
disctrack = (disc * 100) + track
tracks.append((disctrack, mp3))
tracks.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
total_tracks = len(tracks)
tracknum = 0
print("Rewriting tracks to be based on length of whole album.")
for _, mp3 in tracks:
tracknum += 1
newtrack = f'{tracknum}/{total_tracks}'
del mp3['discnumber']
mp3['tracknumber'] = newtrack
print(newtrack, mp3['title'][0])
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