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Last active November 2, 2018 18:05
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Jenkins for go projects with docker

Jenkins for go projects with docker

Clone this gist

Build docker image

cat Dockerfile | docker build -t jenkins -

Start Jenkins

mkdir -p /git /data/jenkins/jobs
id=$(docker run -v /git:/git -v /data/jenkins/jobs:/data/jenkins/jobs -d jenkins)
echo "jenkins running in container $id listening on port $(docker port $id 8080)"

Setup a git repository for the project

mkdir -p /git/golang_project.git
cd /git/golang_project.git && git init --bare

Create Jenkins Job

Jenkins is bound to the port specified in jenkins running in container.

Use /git/golang_project.git as your git repository

Use this as Execute shell task:

set -e

make test

Enable build artifacts in Post-build Actions. Use bin/* as pattern. Obviously you should place your go binaries in bin/ when building.

Push into repository

git remote add build <user>@<serverip>:/git/golang_project.git
git push build master

Trigger build in Jenkins

Click on Build Now in Jenkins.

Next Steps

  • Enable SCM polling
  • Create a post commit hook
FROM ubuntu:12.04
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y openjdk-6-jdk curl git-core build-essential bzr
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/downloads
# install go
RUN curl -sf -o /tmp/downloads/go1.1.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz -L
RUN mkdir -p /opt && cd /opt && tar xfz /tmp/downloads/go1.1.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
# install jenkins
RUN curl -sf -o /opt/jenkins-1.523.war -L
# install plugins
RUN mkdir -p /data/jenkins/plugins
RUN curl -sf -o /data/jenkins/plugins/chucknorris.hpi -L
RUN curl -sf -o /data/jenkins/plugins/greenballs.hpi -L
RUN curl -sf -o /data/jenkins/plugins/git-client.hpi -L
RUN curl -sf -o /data/jenkins/plugins/git.hpi -L
# env stuff
ENV JENKINS_HOME /data/jenkins
ENV GOROOT /opt/go
ENV GOPATH /root/gocode
ENV PATH /opt/go/bin:/root/gocode/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
CMD cd /opt && java -jar jenkins-1.523.war
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