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Created February 2, 2024 20:35
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Valentine website
"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
export default function Page() {
const [noCount, setNoCount] = useState(0);
const [yesPressed, setYesPressed] = useState(false);
const yesButtonSize = noCount * 20 + 16;
const handleNoClick = () => {
setNoCount(noCount + 1);
const getNoButtonText = () => {
const phrases = [
"Are you sure?",
"Really sure?",
"Think again!",
"Last chance!",
"Surely not?",
"You might regret this!",
"Give it another thought!",
"Are you absolutely certain?",
"This could be a mistake!",
"Have a heart!",
"Don't be so cold!",
"Change of heart?",
"Wouldn't you reconsider?",
"Is that your final answer?",
"You're breaking my heart ;(",
return phrases[Math.min(noCount, phrases.length - 1)];
return (
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-screen -mt-16">
{yesPressed ? (
<img src="" />
<div className="text-4xl font-bold my-4">Ok yay!!!</div>
) : (
<img className="h-[200px]" src="" />
<h1 className="text-4xl my-4">Will you be my Valentine?</h1>
className={`bg-green-500 hover:bg-green-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded mr-4`}
style={{ fontSize: yesButtonSize }}
onClick={() => setYesPressed(true)}
className=" bg-red-500 hover:bg-red-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"
{noCount === 0 ? "No" : getNoButtonText()}
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@nithishp helped me out a whole lot. I just had to add the tailwindcss css config files as required to ./src/index.css .

  1. after following @nithishp steps up till step 7, copy and paste :
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;

into ./src/index.css (to be the first three lines in this file).

Then carry on with @nithishp steps.

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To all those who are looking for this:

Vite + Tailwindcss + Github Pages

Here is full code:

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i only want to change sentence and the gif but how does it work? can someone please explain it to me

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pls step by step edited turotial

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Tynuche commented Feb 13, 2024

I manage to build the app and everything else. After I uploaded it to Netlify and deployed it the link I got isn't working. Help

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Same as above

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