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Created August 17, 2010 20:01
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from flask import Flask, request
from gevent.event import AsyncResult
from gevent.wsgi import WSGIServer
app = Flask(__name__)
waiters = []
def main():
return """
<html><body style='font: bold 5em helvetica'>
<script src=''></script>
<script src='/focus/init'></script>
def init():
return """
(function client() {
( function listen(){ $.getScript( "/focus/listen", listen ) })();
$( window )
.focus( function(){ $.getScript( "/focus/focused" ) } ).focus();
def listen():
waiter = AsyncResult()
return "($('body').html('%s'));" % waiter.get()
def focused():
user_agent = request.user_agent.browser
while waiters:
waiter = waiters.pop()
return ''
http_server = WSGIServer(('', 8000), app)
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