- Stars: 77643
- Columns: 12 by default
- Syntax: "row", "col-md-1", "col-xs-12 col-md-8"
- Stars: 19381
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: "row", "small-6 large-2 columns", "large-6 columns"
- Remarks: same principle as Bootstrap, different syntax
- Stars: 13563
- Columns: unlimited
- Syntax: "row", "col", "col col-33"
- Remarks: uses flexbox (the targeted devices all support flexbox), "col-*" in %
- Stars: 10514
- Columns: 5 or 14
- Syntax: "pure-g", "pure-u-1-3", "pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-3"
- Remarks: use fractions
- Stars: 7771
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: "row", "one column", "eleven columns"
- Remarks: same principle as Bootstrap, different syntax
- Stars: 5338
- Columns: 24
- Syntax: "container showgrid", "span-8", "span-6 append-1"
- Remaks: not responsive, pixel based
- Stars: 2949
- Columns: 12 or 16 columns
- Syntax: "container_12", "grid_7 prefix_1", "grid_1 suffix_11"
- Remarks: not responsive, pixel based
- Stars: 2769
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: "row", "one columns", "eleven columns"
- Remarks: same as Skeleton, did not take the time to code "one column"
- Stars: 2658
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: @include outer-container, @include span-columns(3), @include span-columns(9)
- Remarks: Sass + Bourbon
- 2144 stars
- ?
- Stars: 1623
- Columns: 12 by default
- Syntax: .column(9), .column(3)
- Remarks: approach similar to Neat
- Stars: 1153
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: "grid grid-pad", "col-1-2", "col-1-3"
- Stars: 505 stars
- Columns: 12
- Syntax: "row clear", "col col-1 tablet-col-11 mobile-col-1-2", "col col-11 tablet-col-1 mobile-col-1-2"