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Last active February 25, 2024 15:40
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Think of a port 💭
# bash function to generate ports for projects
# use the first four non-zero digits from the sha256sum of the project’s name
# infer the name from the current directory if no argument is given
thinkofport() {
if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
echo -n "$1" | sha256sum | grep -o '[1-9]' | head -n 4 | tr -d '\n'
basename "$(pwd)" | sha256sum | grep -o '[1-9]' | head -n 4 | tr -d '\n'
# fish function to generate ports for projects
# use the first four non-zero digits from the sha256sum of the project’s name
# infer the name from the current directory if no argument is given
function thinkofport
if count $argv >/dev/null
echo $argv | sha256sum | grep -o '[1-9]' | head -n 4 | tr -d '\n'
basename (pwd) | sha256sum | grep -o '[1-9]' | head -n 4 | tr -d '\n'
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