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Created October 21, 2012 21:18
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Calculating the credible interval for user survey
#!/usr/bin/env python
porting R code to python
# pip install numpy
from numpy.random.mtrand import dirichlet
from numpy import array, sum, percentile
categories = [
'k-12 teacher or librarian',
'k-12 student',
'college or graduate student',
'faculty or academic researcher',
'archivist or librarian',
'genealogist or family researcher',
observations = [65, 71, 532, 307, 369, 234, 584]
# just checking
assert len(categories) == len(observations)
# run 1000 simulations
simulations = 1000
# set up a standard library array to hold the simulation results
results = []
# monte carlo method
for n in xrange(simulations):
results.append( dirichlet([x+1 for x in observations]) )
# convert results to a numpy array for better indexing/sums
results = array(results)
# calculate estimates
estimates = sum(results, axis=0) / simulations
# calculate credible interval and print results
for k in xrange(len(observations)):
q025 = "{:.0%}".format(percentile(results[:,k], 2.5))
q975 = "{:.0%}".format(percentile(results[:,k], 97.5))
percent = "{:.0%}".format(estimates[k])
print categories[k], q025, percent, q975
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