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Created September 18, 2020 16:10
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Practice Python 11: Is it Prime?
#In this program, I've created the function isPrime(), which allows the user to call the function,
#enter a number, and then immediately see if it is or isn't a prime number.
def isPrime(x):
for i in range(2,x):
if x % i == 0:
test = True
test = False
if test is True:
print('This is not a prime number')
print('This is a prime number')
#Test cases:
#1. 67
#Enter a number: 67
#This is a prime number
#2. 100800000
#Enter a number: 10800000
#This is a prime number
#3: 4237
#>>> isPrime(4237) - First use case of the function, isPrime
#This is a prime number
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