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Created September 18, 2020 16:13
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Practice Python 9: Guess a number
import random #Importing the random module
actual = random.randint(1, 9)
i = 0 #Setting up the counter/Initialization
guess = input('Try to guess what number I''m thinking about(from 1 - 9): ')
while guess != "exit": # We want this to run until the user enters the word exit.
if int(guess) == actual:
print('You entered the right answer')
elif int(guess) > actual:
print('You entered too high!')
elif int(guess) < actual:
print('You''ve entered too low')
guess = input('Want to play again? Enter a number or enter exit to quit: ')
i += 1
print('You''ve played the game '+ str(i) + ' times.')
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