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Last active October 7, 2024 10:11
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defeating dmm's skill issue

How to play PriConne on PC without hassling with VPNs constantly

Sidenote: you will still need one, but by the end of the guide you should only need to deal with this process once per year, assuming nothing changes.

So, if you're like me you used ProtonVPN as a way to get around the most recent DMM block beginning in August of 2023.

Of course, you can't always have your cake & eat it too. So, what Proton did, some months later: no more server choices even with their already limited country selection for free users, and no more split tunneling either.

That's what most people think at least. Me, personally, I found a solution.

Breaking it down

Here's what we are doing:

  • Proton, of course, still offers Japanese servers to free users.
  • Proton, of course, still offers the choice of downloading VPN configs to free users. (so they can use their alternative VPN clients on their toasters or what have you)
  • So, we are going to download a VPN config file for a Japanese server from Proton... and use an alternative VPN client.
  • The end result: we will always connect to that server (no nearest region BS).

1. Getting the config

First off, you need a Proton account. Go get that if you didn't already. If you have one already, go sign in to your dashboard (use ctrl+click to open that in a new tab).

When you are signed in, if you clicked that link above, you should be sent to a "Downloads" page. New accounts are also sent to that page by default and encouraged to download Proton's client. DON'T do that, we don't need it.

Proton's pretty little dashboard

Ctrl+F (or scroll down until you find): WireGuard configuration - you should land at something like the screenshot below. DON'T take its suggestion regarding the best server (that nullifies the point of why we are here), go down just a little further so you're able to select a server.

Name, platform & VPN options don't really hurt, just leave them as is unless you care about them.

Scrolling down a little further will let you pick a server as intended, Japan should be the first country listed there. It shouldn't matter which server you pick, just click "Create" on one and give it a second.

Pointing to what you should do on downloads page

After that, you will be shown your config file. Click "Download" to save a wg-JP-FREE-xxxxxx.conf file, after that you can close the tab.

VPN config file

2. That one alternative client thing

So, I mentioned we are using something that is not Proton's client to connect. Here's where I reveal what that thing is.

We are going to use... TunnlTo. "Well, I've never heard of that" Honestly, me neither until I was doing some elite Google research, then it popped up in the results, I tried it, it works, trust me please.

Because GitHub user experience sucks, you can read more from that link above or just go straight to the releases where you can download an installer. I don't have a screenshot of the installer to fill space here, but it looks much like a lot of other installers, you click next a lot of times and it's done.

When you launch the application for the first time you should be told to install "WireSock," that's normal behavior - click the button and wait a little until it's done.

End result, you should be at a blank slate of another dashboard like the below screenshot.

TunnlTo main UI

3. Connecting (Happy?)

Tsunagaru omoide... Itsumo kimi to ima wo... Anyway. Let's setup our VPN and our split tunnel.

At this point you want to click "Create Tunnel" and then "Import" on the top right. Select the .conf file you had downloaded earlier and most of the important info will get filled in.

You are not done yet, of course. Scroll all the way down to "Rules" and this is where things get fun for a second. Under the "Apps" in the "Allow" section, you want to put your DMM-related processes here. This includes:

  • DMMGamePlayer
  • DMMGamePlayerFastLauncher (optional, if you use it)

This field is case sensitive and all entries must be separated by commas.


PrincessConnectRedive (the game itself) is not listed here because most people, even outside Japan, can still connect to the servers without VPN services. If Cygames does start locking things down again, it is a one-line fix, but I'd encourage keeping it out if you don't need it.

Any other "region locked" applications you want to use under this connection can also be entered in the same place. Nothing else will be put through the VPN unless you explicitly tell it to (or get rid of the allow list). See TunnlTo's README file for more information on how that works.

Screenshot of "Rules" on configuration page

Once you're all done, you can click "Save."

4. Overwhelming Victory

That's the OST title of the victory fanfare that plays whenever you beat a stage in PriConne, you learn something new everyday.

Once, you're done with those previous steps, you can "Enable" the tunnel. Congratulations, you are likely now connected to your chosen server for the total cost of $0.00!

Connected VPN on TunnlTo

Launch your DMM client to test, you should be able to log in and launch the game successfully.

4a. Making it really easy

If you absolutely don't want to even see the VPN client when you log in (like me), that can be achieved in a couple clicks.

Find "Settings" in TunnlTo, it's on the bottom left corner. Once you have, match your settings like this:

  • "Auto Start" enabled
  • "Auto Minimize on Start" enabled
  • "Minimize to Tray" enabled
  • "Auto Connect" should be the one VPN config you have in the dropdown

Once that's finished, click "Save" and you're done.

My TunnlTo client settings

4b. "It doesn't actually work"

I would suggest the following things:

  • Are you absolutely sure you imported your Proton config file from earlier?
  • If you entered .exe at the end of every line in your allowlist by instinct, you don't need that, get rid of it.
  • Check your allowlist - it is case-sensitive and all applications should be separated by commas.
  • Make sure you are not using any other VPN applications that may possibly take over your connection, they may be fighting(?)
  • Very specific nerd problem related to ^: Tailscale and TunnlTo kinda don't like each other at least the first time they meet. Restarting both applications should make them settle down.

If any of these aren't your issue, then I'm personally not sure what else could happen (because networking is hard). So, get Googling, ask around, maybe report a bug if it comes down to that.

If ultimately desperate, you also could ping me, but it's likely that I'll be as clueless as you are.


So, congratulations! You can now play the game without another corporation with a profit motive getting in the way. Freedom tastes sweet.

If you had any questions along this process or just want to express gratitude, you can ping me on Discord (that's shiori_cultist727 on the PriConne server). I'll do my best to answer anything I receive.

Don't forget to squish Shiori's cheeks.

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