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Created November 2, 2010 16:11
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// uses 32bit enh API
// This file contains functions created for the Daq* examples
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "..\Cinclude\daqx.h"
//#include "..\Cinclude\daqroutines.h"
#include "Daqx.h"
#include "DaqRoutines.h"
DaqHandleT handle;
DaqDeviceListT *devList;
DaqDevicePropsT devProps;
DWORD devCount, deviceMask;
char *deviceName;
BOOL deviceFound = FALSE;
DWORD deviceIndex = 0;
#include "daq_test.h"
//GetDeviceName accepts a mask of compatible devices defined in daqroutines.h
//It polls through the currently configured devices and returns the name of the
//first one that is compatible as defined in the mask. The flag is overwritten
//as the returned device type
DWORD capabilityMask = daq2000DIO|daqboard;
//char* GetDeviceName(DWORD& capabilityMask) //the device type is returned in the
char* GetDeviceName() //the device type is returned in the
//flag to aid in scaling
deviceName = "";
// Find out how many devices are installed and allocate memory for device list
devList = (DaqDeviceListT*)malloc(sizeof(DaqDeviceListT)*devCount);
// Get the names of all installed devices and the device count
daqGetDeviceList(devList, &devCount);
// Loop
while ( (deviceIndex < devCount) && !deviceFound )
daqGetDeviceProperties(devList[deviceIndex].daqName, &devProps);
deviceMask = (DWORD)pow(2, devProps.deviceType);
if ( capabilityMask & deviceMask )
capabilityMask &= deviceMask;
deviceName = devProps.daqName;
deviceFound = TRUE;
//release allocated memory
return deviceName;
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