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Created April 29, 2020 10:18
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Concatenate track segments of multiple .gpx files into one
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Concatenate track segments of multiple .gpx files into one.
## Usage: python [input1] [input2] [...] > [output]
## If the first .gpx file contains more than one <trkseg>, then the output file will contain a <trk> element
## with multiple <trkseg> child elements appended from the subsequent input files. If there is only a single
## <trkseg> element in the first input file, then the output file will contain a <trk> element with a single
## <trkseg> element containing all the <trkpt> elements from the subsequent input files.
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
ns = { 'gpx': '' }
ElementTree.register_namespace('', ns['gpx'])
output = None
append_segments = False
for source in sys.argv[1:]:
tree = ElementTree.parse(source)
if output is None:
output = tree
append_segments = len(tree.findall('./gpx:trk/gpx:trkseg', ns)) > 1
if append_segments:
root = output.find('./gpx:trk', ns)
map(root.append, tree.findall('./gpx:trk/gpx:trkseg', ns))
root = output.find('./gpx:trk/gpx:trkseg', ns)
map(root.append, tree.findall('./gpx:trk/gpx:trkseg/gpx:trkpt', ns))
if output:
output.write(sys.stdout, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
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