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Last active October 30, 2022 13:18
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  • Save thomaslettau/021ad961214b0ab38e707e4bacc146f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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A small script which is reverting my pacman upgrades from a specific date. (Nvidia ...) It is only downgrading the packages from a specific date so one might have to call the script several times.
from subprocess import call
import re
from os.path import exists
from os import environ
home = environ['HOME']
reg_time = re.compile(r'\[(\d{4}.+\d{4})\]')
dates = []
with open('/var/log/pacman.log', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
timestemp = reg_time.findall(line)
if timestemp:
date = timestemp[0].split('T')[0]
if dates:
if dates[-1] != date:
# Don't use time yet
# time = timestemp[0].split('T')[1].split('+')[0]
# Print last 10 dates
dates = dates[::-1]
print('Please choose the update you want to revert to:')
for i, date in enumerate(dates[:10]):
print(i, ' - ', date)
choice = input("Number: ")
date = dates[int(choice)]
call(f"grep -a {date} /var/log/pacman.log | grep upgraded > ~/.local/tmp/upgraded_pkg.txt", shell=True)
call("awk '{print $4}' ~/.local/tmp/upgraded_pkg.txt > ~/.local/tmp/pkg_base.txt", shell=True)
call("awk '{print $5}' ~/.local/tmp/upgraded_pkg.txt | sed 's/(/-/g' > ~/.local/tmp/pkg_version.txt", shell=True)
call("paste ~/.local/tmp/pkg_base.txt ~/.local/tmp/pkg_version.txt > ~/.local/tmp/upgraded_pkg.txt.txt", shell=True)
call('tr -d "[:blank:]" < ~/.local/tmp/upgraded_pkg.txt.txt > ~/.local/tmp/pkg.txt', shell=True)
filenames = []
with open(home + '/.local/tmp/pkg.txt', 'r') as f:
for filename in f.readlines():
filename = filename.strip()
if exists("/var/cache/pacman/pkg/"+filename+"-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst"):
filename = "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/"+filename+"-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst"
filename = "/var/cache/pacman/pkg/"+filename+"-any.pkg.tar.zst"
call("sudo pacman -U " + ' '.join(filenames), shell=True)
# for i in $(cat ~/pkg.txt);do sudo pacman --noconfirm -U "$i"-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst; done
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