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Thomas Aarholt thomasaarholt

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from __future__ import annotations
from collections import defaultdict
from os import path
from typing import DefaultDict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast
import requests
import re
from copy import copy
from pyrsistent import m, s, v, PMap, PSet, PVector
thomasaarholt /
Last active September 3, 2020 18:47
Python script to load any format supported by hyperspy directly into GMS 3.4+
Python script to load any format supported by hyperspy directly into GMS
Must be copied and pasted into Gatan DigitalMicrograph (aka Gatan Microscopy Suite) version 3.4+
Call by `load_img(filepath)` at the bottom of the script. Can not be called outside of GMS.
Does not automatically convert the data type to EELS or EDS
Written by Thomas Aarholt, see for newer versions
Feedback and forks are very welcome.
MUST: First import of hyperspy (or scipy) must NOT be run with "Execute on background thread" checked. One
can then swap to background thread and rerun.
v. 0.3: Added delete statements to ensure python objects don't stay in memory.
thomasaarholt / .profile
Last active March 23, 2021 10:08
.profile used on Machine Learning Cluster
echo 'Hello Thomas - edit PATH using "profile"'
alias ls="ls --color"
alias cd..='cd ../' # Go back 1 directory level (for fast typers)
alias cd...='cd ../../'
alias ..='cd ../' # Go back 1 directory level
alias ...='cd ../../' # Go back 2 directory levels
alias .3='cd ../../../' # Go back 3 directory levels
alias .4='cd ../../../../' # Go back 4 directory levels
thomasaarholt / .inputrc
Created February 27, 2019 21:21
Absolutely necessary .inputrc hotkeys for navigating in bash
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[C": forward-char
"\e[D": backward-char
thomasaarholt /
Last active December 3, 2019 14:34
Add colorbar next to image
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
def colorbar(mappable):
"mappable is img = plt.imshow()"
ax = mappable.axes
fig = ax.figure
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cax.aname = 'colorbar'
return fig.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax)
thomasaarholt /
Last active March 21, 2019 14:51
Remote Jupyter Notebook through ssh tunnel

Using Jupyter notebook remotely via a ssh tunnel.

Especially good for running on headless devices, such as supercomputers or clusters.


# remote_port should be value between 8888 and 9000
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=remote_port

Locally, new terminal window

thomasaarholt /
Last active March 17, 2022 03:07
Save matplotlib figures with no whitespace
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def save(filepath="image.png", fig=None):
'''Save the current image with no whitespace
Example filepath: "myfig.png" or r"C:\myfig.pdf"
Based on answers from
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if not fig:
fig = plt.gcf()
bencholmes / forceFFTSymmetry.m
Created August 30, 2018 13:30
A MATLAB function to force symmetry on an FFT, thus producing a real signal after an IFFT.
function X = forceFFTSymmetry(X)
% forceFFTSymmetry A function to force conjugate symmetry on an FFT such that when an
% IFFT is performed the result is a real signal.
% The function has been written to replace MATLAB's ifft(X,'symmetric'), as this function
% is not compatible with MATLAB Coder.
% Licensed under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) so use freely.
XStartFlipped = fliplr(X(2:floor(end/2)));
wassname /
Last active October 11, 2020 23:32
How to do data augmentation on a keras HDF5Matrix
"""Another way, note this one will load the whole array into memory ."""
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
import h5py
from keras.utils.io_utils import HDF5Matrix
# we create two instances with the same arguments
data_gen_args = dict(
derricw /
Created April 9, 2015 15:46
Rebin an arbitrary numpy ndarray in N dimensions
import numpy as np
def bin_ndarray(ndarray, new_shape, operation='sum'):
Bins an ndarray in all axes based on the target shape, by summing or
Number of output dimensions must match number of input dimensions.