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Created October 8, 2010 05:05
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TableEditor.js : table要素をフィルタリング
// TableEditor.js
var TableEditor = (function () {
var prototype;
function TableEditor () {
this.init.apply(this, arguments);
return this;
prototype = TableEditor.prototype;
prototype.init = function (table) {
if (typeof table !== 'object' || table.tagName !== 'TABLE') throw new TypeError(table + ' is not a HTMLTableElement');
this.table = table;
return this;
prototype.rowFilter = function (searchReg, narrowFlag, cellIndex) {
var dataType, cellIndexFlag, table, tBodies, rows, row, cells, cell, textContent, style, display, i, l, j, m, k, n;
dataType = typeof searchReg;
if (dataType !== 'object' && dataType !== 'function') throw new TypeError(searchReg + ' is not a Object');
dataType = typeof cellIndex;
cellIndexFlag = dataType === 'number';
if (!cellIndexFlag && dataType !== 'undefined') throw new TypeError(cellIndex + ' is not a Number');
narrowFlag = Boolean(narrowFlag);
table = this.table;
tBodies = table.tBodies;
for (i = 0, l = tBodies.length; i < l; ++i) {
rows = tBodies[i].rows;
for (j = 0, m = rows.length; j < m; ++j) {
row = rows[j];
style =;
if (narrowFlag && style.display === 'none') continue;
display = 'none';
cells = row.cells;
if (cellIndexFlag) {
cell = cells[cellIndex];
textContent = cell.textContent || cell.innerText;
if (searchReg.test(textContent)) {
display = 'table-row';
} else {
for (k = 0, n = cells.length; k < n; ++k) {
cell = cells[k];
textContent = cell.textContent || cell.innerText;
if (searchReg.test(textContent)) {
display = 'table-row';
style.display = display;
return table;
return TableEditor;
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think49 commented Oct 8, 2010



OKWave で回答しました。

[Javascript]セル内の文字列の部分一致でテーブルの列を絞り込 | OKWave

下記URLに gtlt さんの遊びコードがあります。

2010-10-04 - babu_babu_babooのごみ箱

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