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Created October 1, 2010 17:06
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rfc4180.js : CSV文字列を二次元配列やtable要素ノードに変換する (RFC 4180 準拠)
* rfc4180.js
* CSV parser.
* @version 1.0.1
* @author think49
* @url
* @license (The MIT License)
* @see <a href=""></a>
var XMLHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'function' || typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'object') ? XMLHttpRequest : (function () {
var i, l;
for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
try {
return arguments[i];
catch (error) {}
throw new Error('XMLHttpRequest is not defined');
})(function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0'); });
var RFC4180 = (function () {
// HTTP constructor
function HTTP () {
if (!(this instanceof HTTP)) {
throw new Error(this + ' is not a object created by constructor');
return this;
// HTTP.prototype
(function () {
// createReadystatechangeHandler(callbackfn [, thisObject, xhr])
function createReadystatechangeHandler (callbackfn, thisObject, xhr) {
var listener;
if (typeof callbackfn !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError(callbackfn + ' is not a function');
listener = function (event) {
var responseText, responseXML;
if (event && {
xhr =;
if (typeof xhr !== 'object') {
throw new TypeError(xhr + ' is not a object');
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
responseText = xhr.responseText;
responseXML = xhr.responseXML;
if (responseText || responseXML) {
if (thisObject) {, responseText, responseXML);
} else {
callbackfn(responseText, responseXML);
// xhr.abort(); // Google Chrome 6 returns an error : XMLHttpRequest Exception 101
if (xhr.removeEventListener) {
xhr.removeEventListener('readystatechange', listener, false);
} else {
xhr.onreadystatechange = new Function;
callbackfn = thisObject = xhr = listener = null;
return listener;
// HTTP.prototype.request(method, url [, callbackfn, options])
this.request = function (method, url, callbackfn, options) {
var async, data, thisObject, xhr, isDocument;
// default value
async = false;
data = null;
if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object') {
if ('async' in options) {
async = options.async;
if ('data' in options) {
data =;
thisObject = options.thisObject;
if (typeof url !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(method + ' is not a string');
// RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1)
if (method !== 'GET' && method !== 'POST' && method !== 'HEAD' && method !== 'PUT' && method !== 'OPTIONS' && method !== 'DELTE' && method !== 'TRACE' && method !== 'CONNECT') {
throw new TypeError(method + ' is not a method (RFC 2616)');
if (method === 'GET' || method === 'HEAD') { // XMLHttpRequest (3.6.3. The send() method)
data = null;
if (data !== null && typeof data === 'object' && data.nodeType === 9) {
isDocument = true;
if (data !== null && !isDocument && typeof data !== 'string') { // XMLHttpRequest (3.6.3. The send() method)
throw new TypeError(data + ' is not a null or document or string');
async = Boolean(async);
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;, url, async);
if (typeof callbackfn === 'function') {
if (xhr.addEventListener) {
xhr.addEventListener('readystatechange', createReadystatechangeHandler(callbackfn, thisObject), false); // XMLHttpRequest (3.4. Event Handler Attributes)
} else {
xhr.onreadystatechange = createReadystatechangeHandler(callbackfn, thisObject, xhr); // [IE8] Handler's thisObject is not [object XMLHttpRequest]
xhr.setRequestHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
xhr.setRequestHeader('If-Modified-Since', 'Thu, 01 Jun 1970 00:00:00 GMT');
// XMLHttpRequest (3.6.3. The send() method)
if (isDocument) {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/xml');
} else if (method === 'POST') {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
} else if (typeof data === 'string') {
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8');
// HTTP.prototype.get(url [, callbackfn, options])
this.get = function (url /*, callbackfn, options*/) {
var _arguments;
_arguments = ['GET', url].concat(arguments);
this.request.apply(this, _arguments);
// RFC4180 constructor
function RFC4180 (isLoose, separator) {
var COMMA, CR, DQUOTE, LF, CRLF, TEXTDATA, escaped, non_escaped, field, name, header, record, file;
if (!(this instanceof RFC4180)) {
throw new Error(this + ' is not a object created by constructor');
isLoose = Boolean(isLoose);
COMMA = typeof separator === 'string' ? separator : '\u002C';
CR = '\u000D'; // as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
DQUOTE = '\u0022'; // as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
LF = '\u000A'; // as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
if (!isLoose) {
CRLF = CR + LF; // as per section 6.1 of RFC 2234 [2]
TEXTDATA = '[\u0020-\u0021\u0023-\u002B\u002D-\u007E]';
escaped = DQUOTE + '(?:' + TEXTDATA + '|[' + COMMA + CR + LF + ']|' + DQUOTE + '{2})*' + DQUOTE;
} else {
CRLF = '(?:' + CR + LF + '|[' + LF + CR + '])';
TEXTDATA = '[^' + LF + CR + DQUOTE + COMMA + ']';
escaped = DQUOTE + '(?:[^' + DQUOTE + ']|' + DQUOTE + '{2})*' + DQUOTE;
non_escaped = TEXTDATA + '*';
field = '(?:' + escaped + '|' + non_escaped + ')';
name = field;
header = name + '(?:' + COMMA + name + ')*';
record = field + '(?:' + COMMA + field + ')*';
file = '(?:' + header + CRLF + ')?' + record + '(?:' + CRLF + record + ')*(?:' + CRLF + ')?';
this.isLoose = isLoose;
this.syntaxString = { separator: COMMA };
this.syntaxRegExp = {
non_escaped: new RegExp('^' + non_escaped + '$'),
file: new RegExp('^' + file + '$'),
convert_strings: new RegExp([COMMA, CRLF, escaped, non_escaped, '[\\s\\S]'].join('|'), 'g')
return this;
// RFC4180.prototype
(function () {
// RFC4180.prototype.isCSV(csvString)
this.isCSV = function (csvString) {
if ('string' !== typeof csvString) {
throw new TypeError(csvString + ' is not a string');
return this.syntaxRegExp.file.test(csvString);
// RFC4180.prototype.toArray(csvString)
this.toArray = function (csvString) {
var isLoose, separator, syntaxRegExp, non_escaped_reg, result, records, i, separatorAfterFlag, isCRLF;
if ('string' !== typeof csvString) {
throw new TypeError(csvString + ' is not a string');
isLoose = this.isLoose;
separator = this.syntaxString.separator;
syntaxRegExp = this.syntaxRegExp;
non_escaped_reg = syntaxRegExp.non_escaped;
separatorAfterFlag = true;
isCRLF = false;
records = [[]];
i = 0;
result = csvString.replace(syntaxRegExp.convert_strings, function (token) {
switch (token.charAt(0)) {
case '"':
records[i].push(token.slice(1, token.length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'));
separatorAfterFlag = false;
case separator:
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
separatorAfterFlag = true;
case '\r':
isCRLF = true;
case '\n':
if (!isCRLF && !isLoose) {
csvString = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = records = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
records[++i] = [];
separatorAfterFlag = true;
if (non_escaped_reg.test(token)) {
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
separatorAfterFlag = false;
} else {
csvString = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = records = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
return '';
if (result.length !== 0 || records.length < 1) {
csvString = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = records = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
csvString = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
return records;
// RFC4180.prototype.toTable(csvString, doc [, useThead])
this.toTable = function (csvString, doc, useThead) {
var isLoose, separator, syntaxRegExp, non_escaped_reg, result, table, tbody, rows, tr, cellElement, cells, i, separatorAfterFlag, isCRLF;
if (typeof csvString !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError(csvString + ' is not a string');
if (typeof doc !== 'object' || typeof Node === 'function' && doc.nodeType !== Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || doc.nodeType !== 9) {
throw new TypeError(doc + ' is not a document');
useThead = Boolean(useThead);
isLoose = this.isLoose;
separator = this.syntaxString.separator;
syntaxRegExp = this.syntaxRegExp;
non_escaped_reg = syntaxRegExp.non_escaped;
separatorAfterFlag = true;
isCRLF = false;
table = doc.createElement('table');
cellElement = useThead ? doc.createElement('th') : doc.createElement('td');
tbody = useThead ? table.appendChild(doc.createElement('thead')) : table.appendChild(doc.createElement('tbody'));
rows = tbody.rows;
tr = tbody.insertRow(0);
cells = tr.cells;
i = 0;
result = csvString.replace(syntaxRegExp.convert_strings, function (token) {
switch (token.charAt(0)) {
case '"':
tr.appendChild(cellElement.cloneNode(false)).appendChild(doc.createTextNode(token.slice(1, token.length - 1).replace(/""/g, '"')));
separatorAfterFlag = false;
case separator:
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
separatorAfterFlag = true;
case '\r':
isCRLF = true;
case '\n':
if (!isCRLF && !isLoose) {
csvString = doc = useThead = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = table = tbody = rows = tr = cellElement = cells = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
if (useThead) {
tbody = table.appendChild(doc.createElement('tbody'));
rows = tbody.rows;
cellElement = doc.createElement('td');
useThead = false;
tr = tbody.insertRow(rows.length);
cells = tr.cells;
separatorAfterFlag = true;
if (non_escaped_reg.test(token)) {
if (separatorAfterFlag) {
separatorAfterFlag = false;
} else {
csvString = doc = useThead = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = table = tbody = rows = tr = cellElement = cells = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
return '';
if (result.length !== 0 || cells.length === 0) {
csvString = doc = useThead = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = table = tbody = rows = tr = cellElement = cells = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
throw new Error('not well-formed CSV');
csvString = doc = useThead = isLoose = separator = syntaxRegExp = non_escaped_reg = result = tbody = rows = tr = cellElement = cells = i = separatorAfterFlag = isCRLF = null;
return table;
// RFC4180.prototype.fileToTable(url, doc, useThead, callbackfn [, options])
this.fileToTable = function (url, doc, useThead, callbackfn /*, options*/) {
var method, options, that;
method = 'GET'; // default value
options = arguments[4];
that = this;
if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object' && 'method' in options) {
method = options.method;
delete options.method;
new HTTP().request(method, url, function (responseText) {
var table;
table = that.toTable(responseText, doc, useThead);
url = doc = useThead = callbackfn = method = options = that = null;
}, options);
// RFC4180.prototype.fileToArray(url, callbackfn [, options])
this.fileToArray = function (url, callbackfn /*, options*/) {
var method, options, that;
method = 'GET'; // default value
options = arguments[2];
that = this;
if (options !== null && typeof options === 'object' && 'method' in options) {
method = options.method;
delete options.method;
new HTTP().request(method, url, function (responseText) {
var array;
array = that.toArray(responseText);
url = callbackfn = method = options = that = null;
}, options);
return RFC4180;
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think49 commented Oct 2, 2010



非同期通信 (XMLHttpRequest) 用に http.js のコードを流用しています。

gist: 619437 - (http.js) - GitHub

gtlt さんにアドバイスをいただきました。

2010-10-10 - babu_babu_babooのごみ箱

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