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Last active December 6, 2018 08:30
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Laravel Spaghetti Example
* Create new shipment barcode
* $param Request $request
* @return void
public function createShipmentBarcode(Request $request)
// validate required fields
$validator = Validator::make($request->json()->all(), [
'barcode' => 'required|string|unique:shipment_barcode,barcode',
'shipment_id' => 'required|integer|exists:shipment,id',
if ($validator->fails()) {
if (!$request->isJson()) {
return response([
'result' => 'ERROR',
'code' => 400,
'error' => 'Invalid JSON recieved',
'display' => 'Invalid JSON recieved',
'error_code' => 1
], 400);
if ($validator->errors()->first() != '') {
return response([
'result' => 'ERROR',
'code' => 400,
'error' => $validator->errors()->first(),
'display' => $validator->errors()->first(),
'error_code' => 2
], 400);
// get shipment in order to perform checks
$shipment = Shipment::find($request->shipment_id);
// if shipment doesn't belong to user, return an error
if ($shipment->user_id != $request->user->id) {
return response([
'result' => 'ERROR',
'code' => 400,
'error' => 'This shipment does not belong to this user',
'display' => 'This shipment does not belong to this user',
'error_code' => 3
], 400);
// if shipment is already picked up, cannot assign barcode
if (! in_array($shipment->status, ['Created', 'Summoned', 'PickedUp'])) {
return response([
'result' => 'ERROR',
'code' => 400,
'error' => 'Cannot assign barcode on picked up shipment',
'display' => 'Cannot assign barcode on picked up shipment',
'error_code' => 4
], 400);
// Create new shipment barcode
$shipmentBarcode = new ShipmentBarcode;
$shipmentBarcode->barcode = $request->barcode;
$shipmentBarcode->shipment_id = $request->shipment_id;
$shipmentBarcode->barcode_type = 'WEB';
$shipmentBarcode->created_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
//Create instructions for JSON response
$responseDetailInstructions = new ResponseDetailInstructions([
'detailLevel' => ResponseDetailInstructions::DETAIL_LEVEL_MAXIMUM,
// return JSON response
return response()->json([
'result' => 'OK',
'shipment_barcode' => $shipmentBarcode->propertiesForResponse($responseDetailInstructions)
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