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Last active December 12, 2023 08:52
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A Klisp script to run "git pull" en masse on all of my folders. Run with `pull-all ~/src`, etc.
; pull-all
; Run "git pull" en masse on all git repositories with a default remote under a
; specific directory.
(defn indent (s bit)
(-> s
(split '\n')
(map (fn (line)
(if (empty? line)
(str bit line))))
(join '\n')))
(defn git-repo? (path)
(! (nil? (fs/stat (path/join path '.git')))))
(defn pull-git-repo! (path)
(let (output (exec 'bash'
(list '-c' (-> (str 'cd ' path '\;git pull 2>&1')))
(-> (getc output 'stdout')
(indent ' '))))
(defn pull-all (path)
(let (entries (fs/ls path))
(-> entries
(filter (partial getc ? ,dir))
(each (fn (it)
(name (getc it ,name))
(entry-path (path/join path name))
(if (git-repo? entry-path)
(print '√ pulling' name)
(println ' —' (trim (pull-git-repo! entry-path))))
(println 'x not a git repo:' name))))))))
(defn main ()
(let (argv (drop (args) 3))
(if (empty? argv)
(pull-all '/Users/thesephist/src')
(apply pull-all argv))))
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