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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.0.rc.2)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.17)
// ----
@function calculate-ranges($breaks) {
$ranges: ();
$length: length($breaks);
@for $i from 1 through $length - 1 {
$ranges: append($ranges, (nth($breaks, $i), nth($breaks, $i + 1) - 1));
$ranges: append($ranges, nth($breaks, $length));
@return $ranges;
@mixin media2 ($query, $offset: 0px 0px) {
$ranges: ();
$A: nth($query, 1);
$B: 0px;
$min: $A;
$max: $B;
$length: length($media-ranges);
// Make sure offset has 2 values
@if(length($offset) == 1) {
$offset: $offset $offset;
// Set second query value
@if length($query) > 2 {
$B: nth($query, 3);
@for $i from 1 through $length {
$range: nth($media-ranges, $i);
@if $A >= nth($range, 1) {
@if $i == $length or $A <= nth($range, 2) {
$ranges: append($ranges, $i);
range-A: $range;
@if $B > 0 and $B >= nth($range, 1) {
@if $i == $length or $B <= nth($range, 2) {
$ranges: append($ranges, $i);
range-B: $range;
@if length($query) == 1 {
$range: nth($media-ranges, nth($ranges, 1));
$A: max(nth($range, 1), $A);
@if length($range) > 1 {
$B: nth($range, 2);
min: $A;
max: $B;
} @else if length($query) == 2 {
$range: nth($media-ranges, nth($ranges, 1));
ranges: $ranges;
$max-range: max($ranges...);
$min-range: min($ranges...);
@if length($query) > 1 {
@if nth($query, 2) == to {
to: true;
max-range: $max-range;
min-range: $min-range;
@each $break in $breakpoints {
breakpoints: $breakpoints;
query-length: length($query);
offset: $offset;
@each $arg in $query {
content: $arg;
$min: min($A, $B) + nth($offset, 1);
$max: max($A, $B) + nth($offset, 2);
@if($B > 0) {
@media only screen and (min-width: $min) and (max-width: $max) {
$phone: 320px;
$tablet: 768px;
$laptop: 1025px;
$desktop: 1281px;
$cinema: 1601px;
$breakpoints: $phone $tablet $laptop $desktop $cinema;
$media-ranges: calculate-ranges($phone $tablet $laptop $desktop $cinema);
.ranges {
content: $media-ranges;
@each $range in $media-ranges {
range: $range;
.test {
@include media2($desktop + 5px) {
query: "$desktop + 5px";
.test {
@include media2($cinema) {
query: "$cinema";
.test {
@include media2($tablet) {
query: "$tablet";
.test {
@include media2($laptop + 2px to $tablet + 2px) {
query: "$laptop + 2px to $tablet + 2px";
.test {
@include media2($tablet to $laptop + 2px) {
query: "$tablet to $laptop + 2px";
.test {
@include media2($desktop, 2px) {
query: "$desktop, 2px";
.test {
@include media2($desktop, 2px -2px) {
query: "$desktop, 2px -2px";
.test {
@include media2($tablet to $laptop) {
query: "$tablet to $laptop + 2px";
.test {
@include media2($laptop down) {
query: "$laptop down";
.test {
@include media2($phone up) {
query: "$phone up";
.test {
@include media2($tablet) {
query: "$phone up";
.ranges {
content: 320px, 767px 768px, 1024px 1025px, 1280px 1281px, 1600px 1601px;
range: 320px, 767px;
range: 768px, 1024px;
range: 1025px, 1280px;
range: 1281px, 1600px;
range: 1601px;
.test {
range-A: 1281px, 1600px;
min: 1286px;
max: 1600px;
ranges: 4;
max-range: 4;
min-range: 4;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 1286px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1286px) and (max-width: 1600px) {
.test {
query: "$desktop + 5px";
.test {
range-A: 1601px;
min: 1601px;
max: 0px;
ranges: 5;
max-range: 5;
min-range: 5;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 1601px;
.test {
range-A: 768px, 1024px;
min: 768px;
max: 1024px;
ranges: 2;
max-range: 2;
min-range: 2;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 768px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
.test {
query: "$tablet";
.test {
range-B: 768px, 1024px;
range-A: 1025px, 1280px;
ranges: 2 3;
to: true;
max-range: 3;
min-range: 2;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 3;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 1027px;
content: to;
content: 770px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 770px) and (max-width: 1027px) {
.test {
query: "$laptop + 2px to $tablet + 2px";
.test {
range-A: 768px, 1024px;
range-B: 1025px, 1280px;
ranges: 2 3;
to: true;
max-range: 3;
min-range: 2;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 3;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 768px;
content: to;
content: 1027px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1027px) {
.test {
query: "$tablet to $laptop + 2px";
.test {
range-A: 1281px, 1600px;
min: 1281px;
max: 1600px;
ranges: 4;
max-range: 4;
min-range: 4;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 2px 2px;
content: 1281px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1283px) and (max-width: 1602px) {
.test {
query: "$desktop, 2px";
.test {
range-A: 1281px, 1600px;
min: 1281px;
max: 1600px;
ranges: 4;
max-range: 4;
min-range: 4;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 2px -2px;
content: 1281px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 1283px) and (max-width: 1598px) {
.test {
query: "$desktop, 2px -2px";
.test {
range-A: 768px, 1024px;
range-B: 1025px, 1280px;
ranges: 2 3;
to: true;
max-range: 3;
min-range: 2;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 3;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 768px;
content: to;
content: 1025px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1025px) {
.test {
query: "$tablet to $laptop + 2px";
.test {
range-A: 1025px, 1280px;
ranges: 3;
max-range: 3;
min-range: 3;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 2;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 1025px;
content: down;
.test {
range-A: 320px, 767px;
ranges: 1;
max-range: 1;
min-range: 1;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 2;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 320px;
content: up;
.test {
range-A: 768px, 1024px;
min: 768px;
max: 1024px;
ranges: 2;
max-range: 2;
min-range: 2;
breakpoints: 320px 768px 1025px 1281px 1601px;
query-length: 1;
offset: 0px 0px;
content: 768px;
@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
.test {
query: "$phone up";
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