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Last active November 7, 2019 09:34
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Firebase Cloud Functions: Multi-file setup

Firebase Cloud Functions: Multi-file setup

Create grouped cloud functions automagically from an appropriately named file structure, while retaining the ability to selectively deploy to the cloud.

Take the following structure as an example:


It would create this export structure:

exports = {
  user: {
    friend: { add(), remove() }
    admin: { list() }
  debug: { user() }

Serve these functions locally:

✔  functions: user.create: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/user-create
✔  functions: user.update: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/user-update
✔  functions: user.friend.add: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/user-friend-add
✔  functions: user.friend.remove: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/user-friend-remove
✔  functions: user.admin.list: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/user-admin-list
✔  functions: debug.user: http://localhost:5000/{project}/{region}/debug-user

And deploy these functions to the server:

✔  Function URL (user-create): https://{region}-{project}
✔  Function URL (user-update): https://{region}-{project}
✔  Function URL (user-friend-add): https://{region}-{project}
✔  Function URL (user-friend-remove): https://{region}-{project}

The following structure would do the same thing (dots.not.dirs):


I prefer the second dot-notation approach as it makes require('./../utils') easier than nesting.

Note the available naming modifiers which can appear in any part of the path; either as a directory name, or separated by dot notation anywhere in a file name:

Modifier shorthand description
admin a admin functions do not deploy and are only available when emulating locally
debug d debug functions do not deploy and are only available when emulating locally
ignore i ignored scripts can sit within the folder structure without being parsed

Finally if you were to selectively firebase deploy --only function:users.friend you would get:

✔  Function URL (user-friend-add): https://{region}-{project}
✔  Function URL (user-friend-remove): https://{region}-{project}


P.S. the script may require Node 10+ to run as-is. To target the correct runtime update the engines field in your package.json:

"engines": {"node": "10"}
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const path = require('path');
const glob = require('glob');
const ENDPOINT_FOLDER = './endpoints';
const DO_NOT_DEPLOY = /^(admin|a|debug|d)$/;
const IGNORE = /^(ignore|i)$/;
const BREAK_ON_ERROR = true;
const is = {
emulating: process.env.hasOwnProperty('FIREBASE_PROJECT'),
deploying: !process.env.hasOwnProperty('FUNCTION_NAME'),
let skipped = [];
glob.sync(`./**/*.js`, {
cwd: path.resolve(__dirname, ENDPOINT_FOLDER),
.map(file => ({
path: file.slice(2),
components: file.slice(2, -3).split(/[\/.]/g),
.sort((a, b) => b.components.length - a.components.length)
.forEach(file => {
// ignore by name
if (file.components.find(c => IGNORE.test(c))) return;
// firebase naming standard
const FB_NAME = file.components.join('-');
// function is currently being triggered
is.triggered = process.env.FUNCTION_NAME === FB_NAME;
// only deploy files locally or if allowed to deploy
is.deployable = is.emulating || !file.components.find(c => DO_NOT_DEPLOY.test(c));
// export module if triggered or deploying
if (is.triggered || is.deploying && is.deployable) {
// map the module to a deep path: { [component]: { [component]: module } }
file.components.reduce((_, c, i, list) => {
// get the map for each path component
if (i < list.length - 1) {
if (!_[c]) _[c] = {};
return _[c];
// skip files where a naming conflict exists with a directory
if (_[c]) return skipped.push(`./${file.path.slice(0, -3)}`);
// export the module
_[c] = require(`./${ENDPOINT_FOLDER}/${file.path}`);
}, exports);
// don't allow conflicts to deploy
if (BREAK_ON_ERROR && skipped.length) {
throw new Error(`naming conflict: "${skipped.join('", "')}"`);
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dfdgsdfg commented Nov 7, 2019

If you have deploy error like below. I think index.js to uses some unsupported api which is stable node version 8 on functions.

⚠  functions[db-call(asia-northeast1)]: Deployment error.
Function failed on loading user code. Error message: Node.js module defined by file index.js is expected to export function named

Change this in your package.json

  "engines": {
    "node": "10"


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@dfdgsdfg thank you - didn't think to mention which version of node this was targeting!

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