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Created August 12, 2019 18:13
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*Terminal Command*
shortcut with ctrl + another keys
ctrl + a = work like home button.
ctrl + e = work like end button.
ctrl + b = work like left arrow key.
ctrl + f = work like right arrow key.
ctrl + p = work like upper arrow key, show one by one previous entered command.
ctrl + n = work like down arrow key, oposites of ctrl + p.
ctrl + u/w = cut the line (right to left).
ctrl + k = cut the line (left to right).
ctrl + y = paste line you was cut using ctrl + u & ctrl + k.
ctrl + h = work like backspace.
ctrl + t = transpose the word.
ctrl + d = delete current terminal tab/window.
ctrl + m/o = work like enter button.
ctrl + c = stop the current server/execution.
ctrl + z = forcefully stop the process, and send current process to background.
ctrl + r = use for search previous commands.
ctrl + l = sabhi line chodkar uppar first line show karta hain, jaise ki terminal clear karta hain.
ctrl + s = pause all command output to the screen. If you have executed a command that produces verbose, long output,
use this to pause the output scrolling down the screen.
ctrl + q = resume output to the screen after pausing it with Ctrl+S.
ctrl + - = decrease the font size of tab/window(current tab/window only).
ctrl + x + ctrl + e = open nano editor
shortcut with ctrl + shift + another keys
ctrl + shift + t = open new tab/window.
ctrl + shift + n = open new Terminal
ctrl + shift + q = close terminal with all tabs/windows.
ctrl + shift + w = close current tab/window.
ctrl + shift + p = work like upper arrow key, show previous command.
ctrl + shift + f = work like search find word.
ctrl + shift + c = copy the selected text/line.
ctrl + shift + v = paste the line/word.
ctrl + shift + + = increase the font size of tab/window(current tab/window only)
shortcut with ctrl + alt + another keys
ctrl + alt + t = open new terminal
shortcut with alt + another keys
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