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This document introduces a new addressing scheme for Monero called Jamtis. The new addresses are 244 characters long and come with several new features. The new scheme allows users to delegate blockchain scanning to a 3rd party service without revealing which specific outputs belong to the wallet or the amounts that were received. New wallet tiers are introduced for merchants that only have capabilities for generating addresses or processing incoming payments. New addresses can be created statelessly (without the need to keep track of how many addresses have been generated). View-only wallets can display the correct balance.

The transaction protocol that comes with Jamtis is backwards compatible with existing CryptoNote addresses. That means wallets can send payments to both new and old addresses and the resulting transactions will be indistinguishable in the blockchain. Additionally, the protocol provides Janus attack mitigations for both new and old addresses.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Why a new address format?

When Monero was created in 2014, it inherited the the CryptoNote addressing scheme [1]. Originally, each wallet only had a single public address and payments were disambiguated with payment IDs. In 2017, subaddresses were introduced, which allowed each wallet to generate a virtually unlimited number of seemingly unlinkable addresses. However, several issues with the legacy addressing scheme have been identified:

  1. Addresses are not suitable as human-readable identifiers because they are long and case-sensitive.
  2. Too much information about the wallet is leaked when scanning is delegated to a third party.
  3. Generating subaddresses requires view access to the wallet. This is why many merchants prefer integrated addresses [2].
  4. View-only wallets need key images to be imported to detect spent outputs [3].
  5. Subaddresses that belong to the same wallet can be linked via the Janus attack [4].
  6. The detection of outputs received to subaddresses is based on a lookup table, which can sometimes cause the wallet to miss outputs [5].

1.2 Jamtis

Jamtis is a next-generation addressing scheme that was developed specifically to tackle all of the shortcomings of CryptoNote addresses that were mentioned above. Jamtis comes with a new transaction protocol that is backwards compatible with existing CryptoNote addresses. That means wallets will be able to send to both new and old addresses and the resulting transactions will be indistinguishable in the blockchain.

Additionally, Jamtis comes with a new 16-word mnemonic scheme called Polyseed [6] that will replace the legacy 25-word seed for new wallets.

2. Features

2.1 Address format

Jamtis addresses, when encoded as a string, start with the prefix xmra and consist of 244 characters. Example of an address: xmra1mm95tp74ihjcu244xt4hpw1smcg5cdhdubfbmk3iyyw16ned1tu70hys0r3784af7r8515f2p9xtrx58akjtwb0cft00ari8jecrighji8aqaexwsh2475q3e1bay734kuhicey8bck5wwfbbp2yi4e4qn9h8dst5aaq8qnbyj0xrweamt1jwq5m0j1anh5srpm6fkhm6s76s3udi6xi0rm0jwf884j2exgg3t0ebxdcc3k

2.1.1 Recipient IDs

Jamtis introduces a short recipient identifier (RID) that can be calculated for every address. RID consists of 25 alphanumeric characters that are separated by underscores for better readability. The RID for the above address is regne_hwbna_u21gh_b54n0_8x36q. Instead of comparing long addresses, users can compare the much shorter RID. RIDs are also suitable to be communicated via phone calls, text messages or handwriting to confirm a recipient's address. This allows the address itself to be transferred via an insecure channel.

2.2 Light wallet scanning

Jamtis introduces new wallet tiers below view-only wallet. One of the new wallet tiers called "FilterAssist" is intended for wallet-scanning and only has the ability to calculate view tags [7].

View tags can be used to eliminate 99.6% of outputs that don't belong to the wallet. Possible use cases are:

2.2.1 Wallet component

A wallet can have a "FilterAssist" component that stays connected to the network at all times and filters out outputs in the blockchain. The full wallet can thus be synchronized at least 256x faster when it comes online (it only needs to check outputs with a matching view tag).

2.2.2 Third party services

If the "FilterAssist" private key is provided to a 3rd party, it can preprocess the blockchain and provide a list of potential outputs. This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of about 100. The third party will not learn which outputs actually belong to the wallet and will not see output amounts.

2.3 Wallet tiers for merchants

Jamtis introduces new wallet tiers that are useful for merchants.

2.3.1 Address generator

This tier is intended for merchant point-of-sale terminals. It can generate addresses on demand, but otherwise has no access to the wallet (i.e. it cannot recognize any payments in the blockchain).

2.3.2 Payment validator

This wallet tier combines the Address generator tier with the ability to also view received payments (including amounts). It is intended for validating paid orders. It cannot see outgoing payments and received change.

2.4 Full view-only wallets

Jamtis supports full view-only wallets that can identify spent outputs (unlike legacy view-only wallets), so they can display the correct wallet balance and list all incoming and outgoing transactions.

2.5 Janus attack mitigation

Janus attack is a targeted attack that aims to determine if two addresses A, B belong to the same wallet. Janus outputs are crafted in such a way that they appear to the recipient as being received to the wallet address B, while secretly using a key from address A. If the recipient confirms the receipt of the payment, the sender learns that they own both addresses A and B.

Jamtis prevents this attack by allowing the recipient to recognize a Janus output.

2.6 Robust output detection

Jamtis addresses and outputs contain an encrypted address tag which enables a more robust output detection mechanism that does not need a lookup table and can reliably detect outputs sent to arbitrary wallet addresses.

3. Notation

3.1 Miscellaneous definitions

  1. The function BytesToInt256(x) deserializes a 256-bit little-endian integer from a 32-byte input.
  2. The function BytesToInt512(x) deserializes a 512-bit little-endian integer from a 64-byte input.
  3. The function RandBytes(x) generates a random x-byte string.
  4. Concatenation is denoted by ||.

3.2 Hash function

The function Hb(x) with parameters b, x, refers to the Blake2b hash function [8] initialized as follows:

  • The output length is set to b bytes.
  • Hashing is done in sequential mode.
  • The Personalization string is set to the ASCII value "Monero", padded with zero bytes.
  • The input x is hashed.

The function SecretDerive is defined as:

SecretDerive(x) = H32(x)

3.3 Elliptic curves

Two elliptic curves are used in this specification:

  1. Curve25519 - a Montgomery curve. Points on this curve include a cyclic subgroup 𝔾1.
  2. Ed25519 - a twisted Edwards curve. Points on this curve include a cyclic subgroup 𝔾2.

Both curves are birationally equivalent, so the subgroups 𝔾1 and 𝔾2 have the same prime order ℓ = 2252 + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493. The total number of points on each curve is 8ℓ.

3.3.1 Curve25519

Curve25519 is used exclusively for the Diffie-Hellman key exchange [9].

Only a single generator point B is used:

Point Derivation Serialized (hex)
B generator of 𝔾1 0900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Private keys for Curve25519 are 32-byte integers denoted by a lowercase letter d. They are constructed using the following KeyClamp1(i) function from a uniformly distributed 32-byte integer i:

  1. i[31] &= 0x7f (clear the most significant bit)
  2. i[0] &= 0xf8 (clear the least significant 3 bits)
  3. return i

Non-deterministic keys can be generated using the KeyGen1() function:

  1. i = BytesToInt256(RandBytes(32))
  2. return KeyClamp1(i)

Deterministic keys are derived using the following KeyDerive1(x) function:

  1. i = BytesToInt256(H32(x))
  2. return KeyClamp1(i)

The KeyClamp1 function causes all Curve25519 private keys to be multiples of the cofactor 8, which ensures that all public keys are in the prime-order subgroup. The multiplicative inverse modulo is calculated as 1/d = 8*(8*d)-1 to preserve the aforementioned property.

Public keys (elements of 𝔾1) are denoted by the capital letter D and are serialized as the x-coordinate of the corresponding Curve25519 point. Scalar multiplication is denoted by a space, e.g. D = d B.

3.3.2 Ed25519

The Edwards curve is used for signatures and more complex cryptographic protocols [10]. The following generators are used:

Point Derivation Serialized (hex)
G generator of 𝔾2 5866666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666
H Hp1(G) 8b655970153799af2aeadc9ff1add0ea6c7251d54154cfa92c173a0dd39c1f94
T Hp2("Monero generator T") d1e6c1e625757d40bee4eed4fa6ad6447c426693f29dfb1c2fbb4c41e1f6bfd3

Here Hp1 and Hp2 refer to two hash-to-point functions.

Private keys for Ed25519 are 32-byte integers denoted by a lowercase letter k. They are generated using the following function:

KeyDerive2(x) = BytesToInt512(H64(x)) mod ℓ

Public keys (elements of 𝔾2) are denoted by the capital letter K and are serialized as 256-bit integers, with the lower 255 bits being the y-coordinate of the corresponding Ed25519 point and the most significant bit being the parity of the x-coordinate. Scalar multiplication is denoted by a space, e.g. K = k G.

3.3.3 Public key conversion

We define two functions that can transform public keys between the two curves:

  1. ConvertPubkey1(D) takes a Curve25519 public key D and outputs the corresponding Ed25519 public key K with an even-valued x coordinate.
  2. ConvertPubkey2(K) takes an Ed25519 public key K and outputs the corresponding Curve25519 public key D.

Additionally, we define the function NormalizeX(K) that takes an Ed25519 point K and returns K if its x corrdinate is even or -K if its x coordinate is odd.

3.4 Block cipher

The function BlockEnc(s, x) refers to the application of the Twofish [11] permutation using the secret key s on the 16-byte input x. The function BlockDec(s, x) refers to the application of the inverse permutation using the key s.

3.5 Base32 encoding

"Base32" in this specification referes to a binary-to-text encoding using the alphabet xmrbase32cdfghijknpqtuwy01456789. This alphabet was selected for the following reasons:

  1. The order of the characters has a unique prefix that distinguishes the encoding from other variants of "base32".
  2. The alphabet contains all digits 0-9, which allows numeric values to be encoded in a human readable form.
  3. Excludes the letters o, l, v and z for the same reasons as the z-base-32 encoding [12].

4. Wallets

4.1 Wallet parameters

Each Jamtis wallet consists of two main keys, a timestamp and a bit flag:

Field Type Description
kps private key prove-spend key
svb secret key view-balance secret
birthday timestamp date when the wallet was created
jamtis bit always set to 1

The prove-spend key kps is required to spend money in the wallet and the view-balance secret svb provides full view-only access.

The birthday timestamp is important when restoring a wallet and determines the blockchain height where scanning for owned outputs should begin.

Wallets with the jamtis bit set to 0 are legacy wallets using the CryptoNote address format and the legacy keys. Jamtis wallets always set the jamtis bit-flag to 1 and use the new address format.

4.2 Wallet creation

4.2.1 Standard wallets

Standard Jamtis wallets are generated as a 16-word Polyseed mnemonic [6], which provides the wallet master secret sm and also encodes the date when the wallet was created and the jamtis bit-flag. The keys kps and svb are derived from the master secret.

Field Derivation
sm from Polyseed
kps kps = KeyDerive2("jamtis_prove_spend_key" || sm)
svb svb = SecretDerive("jamtis_view_balance_secret" || sm)
birthday from Polyseed
jamtis from Polyseed

4.2.2 Multisignature wallets

Multisignature wallets are generated in a setup ceremony, where all the signers collectively generate the prove-spend key kps and the view-balance secret svb.

Field Derivation
kps setup ceremony
svb setup ceremony
birthday setup ceremony
jamtis setup ceremony

4.3 Additional keys

There are additional keys derived from svb:

Key Name Derivation Used to
kgi generate-image key kgi = KeyDerive2("jamtis_generate_image_key" || svb) generate key images
svr view-received secret svr = SecretDerive("jamtis_view_received_secret" || svb) find and decode received e-notes
dur unlock-received key dur = KeyDerive1("jamtis_unlock_received_key" || svr) derive e-note shared secrets
dir identify-received key dir = KeyDerive1("jamtis_identify_received_key" || svr) derive e-note shared secrets
dfa filter-assist key dfa = KeyDerive1("jamtis_filter_assist_key" || svr) calculate primary view tags
sga generate-address secret sga = SecretDerive("jamtis_generate_address_secret" || svr) generate addresses
sct cipher-tag secret sct = SecretDerive("jamtis_cipher_tag_secret" || sga) encrypt/decrypt address tags

The key kgi is required to generate key images.

The secret svr (and its child keys) provides the ability to calculate the sender-receiver shared secrets when scanning for received payments. The key dfa can recognize candidates for owned e-notes by matching the primary view tag.

The secret sga (and its child secret sct) is used to generate public addresses.

4.4 Key hierarchy

The following figure shows the overall hierarchy of wallet keys. Note that the master secret sm doesn't exist for multisignature wallets.

s_m (master secret)
 +- k_ps (prove-spend key)
 +- s_vb (view-balance secret)
     +- k_gi (generate-image key)
     +- s_vr (view-received secret)
         +- d_ur (unlock-received key)
         +- d_ir (identify-received key)
         +- d_fa (filter-assist key)
         +- s_ga (generate-address secret)
             +- s_ct (cipher-tag secret)

4.5 Wallet public keys

There are 4 global wallet public keys. These keys are not usually published, but are needed by lower wallet tiers.

Key Name Value
Ks spend key Ks = kgi G + kps T
Dur unlock-received key Dur = dur B
Dfa filter-assist key Dfa = dfa Dur
Dir identify-received key Dir = dir Dur

4.6 Wallet access tiers

The private key hierarchy enables the following useful wallet tiers:

Tier Secret Public keys Off-chain capabilities On-chain capabilities
AddrGen sga Ks, Dur, Dir, Dfa generate public addresses none
FilterAssist dfa - recognize all public wallet addresses eliminate the majority of non-owned outputs
ViewReceived svr Ks all view received (except of internal e-notes)
ViewAll svb Ks all view all
Master sm - all all

4.6.1 Address generator (AddrGen)

This wallet tier can generate public addresses for the wallet. It doesn't provide any blockchain access.

4.6.2 Output scanning wallet (FilterAssist)

Thanks to view tags, this tier can eliminate 99.6% of outputs that don't belong to the wallet. If provided with a list of wallet addresses, it can also link outputs to those addresses (but it cannot generate addresses on its own). This tier should provide a noticeable UX improvement with a limited impact on privacy. Possible use cases are:

  1. An always-online wallet component that filters out outputs in the blockchain. A higher-tier wallet can thus be synchronized 256x faster when it comes online.
  2. Third party scanning services. The service can preprocess the blockchain and provide a list of potential outputs. This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of about 100.

4.6.3 Payment validator (ViewReceived)

This level provides the wallet with the ability to see all incoming payments, but cannot see any outgoing payments and change outputs. It can be used for payment processing or auditing purposes.

4.6.4 View-only wallet (ViewAll)

This is a full view-only wallet than can see all incoming and outgoing payments (and thus can calculate the correct wallet balance).

4.6.5 Master wallet (Master)

This tier has full control of the wallet.

5. Addresses

5.1 Address generation

Jamtis wallets can generate up to 2128 different addresses. Each address is constructed from a 128-bit index j. The size of the index space allows stateless generation of new addresses without collisions, for example by constructing j as a UUID [13].

Each Jamtis address encodes the tuple (j', K1j, D2j, D3j, D4j), where j' is the encrypted value of j and the other four values are public keys.

5.1.1 Address keys

The four public keys are constructed as:

  • K1j = Ks + kgj G + ktj T
  • D2j = (1 / daj) Dur
  • D3j = (1 / daj) Dfa
  • D4j = (1 / daj) Dir

The private keys kgj, ktj and daj are derived as follows:

Keys Name Derivation
sgenj address index generators sgenj = SecretDerive("jamtis_address_index_generator" || sga || j)
kgj spend key extensions kgj = KeyDerive2("jamtis_spendkey_extension_g" || sgenj || Ks || j)
ktj spend key extensions ktj = KeyDerive2("jamtis_spendkey_extension_t" || sgenj || Ks || j)
daj address keys daj = KeyDerive1("jamtis_address_privkey" || sgenj || Dur || Dfa || Dir || j)

The address index generator sgenj can be used to prove that the address was constructed from the index j and the public keys Ks, Dur, Dfa, Dir.

5.1.2 Address tag

Each address additionally includes a 16-byte tag j' = BlockEnc(sct, j).

5.2 Address encoding

5.2.1 Address structure

An address has the following overall structure:

Field Size (bits) Description
Header 30* human-readable address header (§ 5.2.2)
K1 256 address key 1
j' 128 address tag
padding 1 a zero bit
D2 255 address key 2
D3 255 address key 3
D4 255 address key 4
Checksum 40* (§ 5.2.3)

* The header and the checksum are already in base32 format

5.2.2 Address header

The address starts with a human-readable header, which has the following format consisting of 6 alphanumeric characters:

"xmra" <version char> <network type char>

Unlike the rest of the address, the header is never encoded and is the same for both the binary and textual representations. The string is not null terminated.

The software decoding an address shall abort if the first 4 bytes are not 0x78 0x6d 0x72 0x61 ("xmra").

The "xmra" prefix serves as a disambiguation from legacy addresses that start with "4" or "8". Additionally, base58 strings that start with the character x are invalid due to overflow [14], so legacy Monero software can never accidentally decode a Jamtis address.

The version character is "1". The software decoding an address shall abort if a different character is encountered.

The following 3 network types are defined:

network char network type
"t" testnet
"s" stagenet
"m" mainnet

The software decoding an address shall abort if an invalid network character is encountered.

5.2.3 Checksum

The purpose of the checksum is to detect accidental corruption of the address. The checksum consists of 8 characters and is calculated with a cyclic code over GF(32) using the polynomial:

x8 + 3x7 + 11x6 + 18x5 + 5x4 + 25x3 + 21x2 + 12x + 1

The checksum can detect all errors affecting 5 or fewer characters. Arbitrary corruption of the address has a chance of less than 1 in 1012 of not being detected. The reference code how to calculate the checksum is in Appendix A.

5.2.4 Binary-to-text encoding

An address can be encoded into a string as follows:

address_string = header + base32(data) + checksum

where header is the 6-character human-readable header string (already in base32), data is the binary payload and the checksum is the 8-character checksum (already in base32).

The binary payload encodes the address tuple (K1, j', D2, D3, D4), with a single padding bit inserted between j' and D2 to align all public keys to a character boundary. The total size of data is 1150 bits.

The total length of the encoded address is 244 characters (=6+230+8).

5.2.5 QR Codes

While the canonical form of an address is lower case, when encoding an address into a QR code, the address should be converted to upper case to take advantage of the more efficient alphanumeric encoding mode.

5.2.6 Recipient authentication


6. Transaction protocol

6.1 Transaction global fields

6.1.1 Unlock time

The unlock_time field is removed [15].

6.1.2 Payment ID

A single 8-byte encrypted payment ID field is retained for 2-output non-coinbase transactions for backwards compability with legacy integrated addresses. When not sending to a legacy integrated address, pid is set to zero.

The payment ID pid is encrypted by exclusive or (XOR) with an encryption mask mpid. The encryption mask is derived from the shared secrets of the payment e-note.

6.1.3 View tag size specifier

A new 1-byte field tag_size is added to specify the primary view tag size in bits. The permitted range of values is 1-16 (validated by a consensus rule), but a value of 8 is enforced by a relay rule.

6.1.4 Ephemeral public keys

Every 2-output transaction has one ephemeral public key De. Transactions with N > 2 outputs have N ephemeral public keys (one for each output). Coinbase transactions always have one key per output.

6.2 E-note format

Each e-note represents an amount a sent to a Jamtis address (j', K1, D2, D3, D4) or a legacy address (K1, K2).

An e-note contains the output public key Ko, the 2-byte combined view tag vt, the amount commitment Ca and the encrypted values of j' and a. For coinbase transactions, the amount commitment Ca is omitted and the amount is not encrypted.

6.2.1 The output key

The output key is constructed as Ko = K1 + kgo G + kto T, where kgo and kto are key extensions of the address spend key K1.

6.2.2 View tags

The 16-bit combined view tag consists of the primary view tag vt1 and the secondary view tag vt2. The primary view tag size can be in the range of 1-16 bits and is equal to the value of the transaction field tag_size. The remaining 16-tag_size bits form the secondary view tag. Each view tag is derived from a different shared secret.

In the case of hidden e-notes (§ 6.6.2), all 16 bits are used for vt2. The same applies to e-notes sent to legacy (CryptoNote) addresses.

6.2.3 Amount commitment

The amount commitment is constructed as Ca = ka G + a H, where ka is the commitment mask and a is the amount. Coinbase transactions have implicitly Ca = a H.

6.2.4 Address tag

The address tag j' is encrypted by exclusive or (XOR) with an encryption mask mj'.

6.2.5 Amount

The amount a is encrypted by exclusive or (XOR) with an encryption mask ma.

6.3 E-note types

There are 2 e-notes types: payment and change.

6.3.1 Payment e-notes

These e-notes represent a received payment and show up in the wallet transaction history as a positive amount. These e-notes can be received both from the outside or from the wallet itself (internal payments).

6.3.2 Change e-notes

These e-notes represent change returned back to the wallet after a payment is made. The UX difference is that the wallet will not display change e-notes in the transaction history as a positive amount, but rather will use the change to reduce the amount that was spent. Change e-notes always come from the wallet itself. If a change e-note has a zero amount, it's called a dummy e-note.

6.4 E-note derivations

The e-note components are derived from 3 shared secret keys X1, X2 and X4. The definitions of these keys are described below.

Component Name Derivation
vt1 primary view tag vt1 = SecretDerive("jamtis_primary_view_tag" || X1 || Ko)
vt2 secondary view tag vt2 = SecretDerive("jamtis_secondary_view_tag" || X2 || Ko)
mj' encryption mask for j' mj' = SecretDerive("jamtis_encryption_mask_j'" || X1 || X2 || Ko)
ma encryption mask for a ma = SecretDerive("jamtis_encryption_mask_a" || X4 || Ko)
mpid encryption mask for pid mpid = SecretDerive("jamtis_encryption_mask_pid" || X4 || Ko)
ka amount commitment mask ka = KeyDerive1("jamtis_commitment_mask" || X4 || enote_type)
kgo output key extension G kgo = KeyDerive1("jamtis_key_extension_g" || X4 || Ca)
kto output key extension T kto = KeyDerive1("jamtis_key_extension_t" || X4 || Ca)

The variable enote_type is "payment" or "change" depending on the e-note type.

6.5 Sender-receiver shared secrets

When sending to a Jamtis address (j', K1, D2, D3, D4), the sender first generates the sending private key de = KeyGen1() and includes De = de D2 in the transaction data.

The sender and the recipient can then both derive the following three shared keys:

Shared key Sender Recipient
X1 de D3 dfa De
X2 de D4 dir De
X3 de B (daj / dur) De

The fourth shared key is derived as follows:

Shared key Derivation
X4 X4 = SecretDerive("jamtis_shared_key" || X1 || X2 || X3 || De || input_context)

Here input_context is defined as:

transaction type input_context
coinbase block height
non-coinbase sorted list of spent key images

The purpose of input_context is to make X4 unique for every transaction.

6.5.1 Janus outputs

In case of a Janus attack, the recipient will derive different values of the shared keys X3 and X4 and will not recognize the output. The attacker will not be able to derive the recipient's value of X3 even if they know the value of daj for one of the involved addresses.

6.6 Internal e-notes

E-notes which go to an address that belongs to the sending wallet are called "internal e-notes". The most common type are change e-notes, but internal payments are also possible.

For internal e-notes, a different construction of the first three shared keys is used:

Shared key Value
X1 dfa De
X2 svb
X3 svb

This ensures that:

  1. Wallet tiers below ViewAll cannot recognize internal e-notes.
  2. For typical 2-output transactions, the change e-note can reuse the same value of De as the payment e-note.

Coinbase transactions are not considered to be internal.

6.6.1 Mandatory change

Every transaction that spends funds from the wallet must produce at least one internal e-note, typically a change e-note. If there is no change left, a dummy e-note is added (change with a zero amount). This ensures that all transactions relevant to the wallet have a matching primary view tag on at least one output.

6.6.2 Hidden e-notes

If a transaction produces more than one internal e-note (e.g. a payment e-note and a change e-note or two change e-notes), only one of them gets a primary view tag. For the remaining internal e-notes, all 16 bits are filled with the secondary view tag. This prevents the FilterAssist wallet tier from linking transactions to the wallet based on the number of primary view tag matches within a transaction.

The consequence of this rule is that a wallet scanning for incoming transactions has to scan all e-notes of transactions with at least one matching primary view tag. However, most of them will only have to be tested for a secondary view tag match (false positive rate of 1/65536).

6.7 Legacy addresses

When sending the amount a to a legacy address (K1, K2, pid), the sender will first generate a sending secret n = RandBytes(16) and derive de = KeyDerive1("jamtis_legacy_sending_key" || n || a || K1 || K2 || pid). The payment ID pid is considered to be zero for main addresses and subaddresses.

The e-note public key is defined as De = de ConvertPubKey2(K1) when sending to a subaddress and De = de B when sending to a main address or an integrated address.

The three shared keys X1, X2 and X3 are all equal and calculated as follows:

Shared key Sender Recipient
X1,2,3 ConvertPubKey1(de ConvertPubKey2(8 K2)) NormalizeX(8 kv ConvertPubKey1(De))

The e-note will only include the secondary view tag vt2 with a size of 16 bits. The value of j' to encrypt is set to the sending secret n.

6.7.1 Janus outputs

The protocol provides Janus mitigation for all legacy addresses. When receiving a payment, the recipient can decrypt n, rederive de and check if the e-note public key De was constructed correctly.

6.7.2 Scanning performance

When scanning for received e-notes, legacy wallets need to calculate NormalizeX(8 kv ConvertPubKey1(De)). The operation ConvertPubKey1(De) can be done during point decompression for free. The NormalizeX() function simply drops the x coordinate. The scanning performance for legacy wallets is therefore the same as in the old protocol.

Note: Legacy wallets use scalar multiplication in 𝔾2 because the legacy view key kv might be larger than 2252, which is not supported in the Montgomery ladder.

7. Test vectors



Special thanks to everyone who commented and provided feedback on the original Jamtis gist. Some of the ideas were incorporated in this document.


  2. monero-project/meta#299 (comment)
  5. monero-project/monero#8138
  7. monero-project/research-lab#73
  15. monero-project/research-lab#78

Appendix A: Checksum

# Jamtis address checksum algorithm

# cyclic code based on the generator 3BI5PLC1
# can detect 5 errors up to the length of 994 characters
GEN=[0x1ae45cd581, 0x359aad8f02, 0x61754f9b24, 0xc2ba1bb368, 0xcd2623e3f0]

M = 0xffffffffff

def jamtis_polymod(data):
    c = 1
    for v in data:
        b = (c >> 35)
        c = ((c & 0x07ffffffff) << 5) ^ v
        for i in range(5):
            c ^= GEN[i] if ((b >> i) & 1) else 0
    return c

def jamtis_verify_checksum(data):
    return jamtis_polymod(data) == M

def jamtis_create_checksum(data):
    polymod = jamtis_polymod(data + [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) ^ M
    return [(polymod >> 5 * (7 - i)) & 31 for i in range(8)]

# test/example

CHARSET = "xmrbase32cdfghijknpqtuwy01456789"

addr_test = (

addr_data = [CHARSET.find(x) for x in addr_test]
addr_enc = addr_data + jamtis_create_checksum(addr_data)
addr = "".join([CHARSET[x] for x in addr_enc])

print("len =", len(addr))
print("valid =", jamtis_verify_checksum(addr_enc))

Appendix B: Forward secrecy

Forward secrecy refers to the preservation of privacy properties of past transactions against a future adversary capable of solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP), for example a quantum computer.

B.1 Legacy wallets

All e-notes sent to legacy addresses under this protocol are forward-secret unless an address that belongs to the legacy wallet is publicly known.

If an address is known to the ECDLP solver, all privacy is lost because the private view key kv can be extracted from the address to recognize all incoming e-notes. Once incoming e-notes are identified, the ECDLP solver will be able to learn the associated key images by extracting kga = DLog(K1, G) and calculating KI = (kga + kgo) Hp(Ko).

B.2 Jamtis wallets

Jamtis wallets offer better forward secrecy than legacy wallets.

All e-notes are forward secret unless an address that belongs to the Jamtis wallet is publicly known.

If a wallet address is known, the ECDLP solver will be able to extract the private keys dfa, dir and daj / dur.

  1. The knowledge of dfa will allow the adversary to slightly reduce the privacy of internal e-notes, similarly to using a Filter Assist 3rd party service.

  2. The knowledge of dfa and dir will allow the adversary to calculate view tags and nominal address tags for all external payments received to the wallet. There will be a certain number of false-positive matches, but incoming payments to any address that was used at least twice can be detected by finding repeated address tags.

  3. The knowledge of daj / dur will allow the adversary to derive the shared secret key X4, which will reveal all external payments to that specific address, including the amounts. If at least two such e-notes are spent, the adversary will also be able to detect outgoing payments from the address. This would require the calculation of the discrete logarithm of all key images with respect to the key image bases of the received payments. The adversary will be able to see repeated values of kgi + kgj, recognizing the spends.

B.3 Summary

ECDLP solver knows Legacy wallet Jamtis wallet
just blockchain data private1 private
one public address complete privacy loss privacy loss for external e-notes to that address
medium privacy reduction for other external e-notes
small privacy reduction for internal e-notes
all public addresses2 - privacy loss for all external e-notes
small privacy reduction for internal e-notes
  1. Except of e-notes received under the old transaction protocol
  2. Access to the GenAddr wallet tier
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In Section 2.2.1:

A wallet can have a "FilterAssist" component that stays connected to the network at all times and filters out outputs in the blockchain. The full wallet can thus be synchronized at least 256x faster when it comes online (it only needs to check outputs with a matching view tag).

The 256 figure is not quite accurate since the filter-assist server must send all enotes in a transaction with at least one matching primary view tag, since they are potential hidden enotes. We do not need to do any Diffie-Helman exchanges or scalar multiplications before matching view tags on hidden enotes though, so computationally they are ~100x faster than normal enotes, but we do have to download them which multiplies our bandwidth usage by the average number of outputs per transaction. So it's more like "the wallet can thus be synchronized at least (2^tag_size) / average_num_outs_per_tx faster..."

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tevador commented May 12, 2024

See 2.2.2:

If the "FilterAssist" private key is provided to a 3rd party, it can preprocess the blockchain and provide a list of potential outputs. This reduces the amount of data that a light wallet has to download by a factor of about 100.

Section 2.2.1 speaks about a local wallet component that doesn't need to send anything over the network. It's simply waiting for the user to enter the password to "open" the wallet.

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tevador commented May 13, 2024

FYI, I made a change in the key hierarchy. The generate-address secret s_ga is now derived directly from k_vb instead of from d_vr. The reason for this change is to provide slightly stronger forward secrecy in case a public address is known to a DLP-solving adversary.

Previously, the adversary would be able to extract d_vr from the address (by solving the DLP between D_2 and D_4), derive s_ga, remove any G-terms from the address and learn k_vb. They would thus be able to detect all spends.

With the new derivation, the adversary won't be able to detect any spends from the wallet even if they have an address that belongs to the wallet.

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tevador commented May 13, 2024

The generate-address secret s_ga is now derived directly from k_vb instead of from d_vr.

Unfortunately, this has a side-effect of creating an unintentional wallet tier that can only calculate view tags (both primary and secondary) and nominal address tags. This tier could be abused by 3rd party scanning services.

However, I still support this change because it makes Jamtis wallets more resistant to DLP-solving attackers. With legacy wallets, publishing a single address will allow the attacker to see all payments coming to the wallet. With Jamtis, the attacker will only see payments coming to that one address. That's because the attacker can't derive daj for addresses they don't know.

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jeffro256 commented May 13, 2024

Previously, the adversary would be able to extract d_vr from the address (by solving the DLP between D_2 and D_4), derive s_ga, remove any G-terms from the address and learn k_vb. They would thus be able to detect all spends.

They cannot learn kvb since Ks perfectly hides kvb with the km factor.

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tevador commented May 13, 2024

They cannot learn k_vb since Ks perfectly hides kvb with the km factor.

You are correct that they cannot do it from the address alone, but they would be able to extract kvb with the help of blockchain data.

Recall that key images are calculated as: KI = (kvb + kgj + kgsender) Hp2(Ko).

All it takes is for you to receive and then spend two outputs. The adversary knows Ko, kgj and kgsender. If they calculate the discrete log of all key images with the bases of Hp2(Ko) and subtract the corresponding kgj and kgsender, they will eventually get the same number twice - your private key kvb.

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Okay I see, great spot

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tevador commented May 13, 2024

With the new derivation, the adversary won't be able to detect any spends from the wallet even if they have an address that belongs to the wallet.

I have to correct myself here. The adversary will be able to detect some spends with the new derivation, but only for the addresses they know and only if at least two e-notes received to that address are spent. The process is the same as I described above, except the adversary can learn kvb + kgj.

This actually kind of removes the distinction between forward-secret addresses and forward-secret one-time keys that @kayabaNerve was talking about here.

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The adversary will be able to detect some spends with the new derivation, but only for the addresses they know and only if at least two e-notes received to that address are spent.

For Jamtis addressing, there only needs to be a single spend of any enote to any public address, of which you don't need to know beforehand. And this attack can completely run start-to-finish in O(K*N) time, where K is the number of on-chain key images and N is the number of received plain enotes. Here how it would work:

If an attacker knows d_vr, he can derive s_ga, and then s_ct. They can also recover the base spendkey Ks from any single public address. Thus, for every single incoming enote, he knows Ko, j, kgj, and kgsender. For every single key image on-chain and every (kgj, kgsender, Hp2(Ko)) tuple (1 per received enote), the attacker would calculate kvb' = dlog(KI, Hp2(Ko)) - kgj - kgsender. The attacker would then calculate km' = dlog(Ks - kvb' G, T). Finally, the attacker checks kvb' ?= view_balance_key_derive(km'). If this test passes, then kvb' is the correct view-balance key, and we terminate.

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My F-S addr/F-S OTK commentary is already nullified if the change output is traceable from a public facing address. While I'd love F-S OTKs (can find outputs to a F-S addr, cannot find when they're spent), changes being traceable with high probability would need to not be the case.

(I'm unsure where the current proposal is re: functionality, would like to again bring up PID preservation and Janus mitigations for main addresses, and furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed)

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tevador commented May 13, 2024

If an attacker knows d_vr, he can derive s_ga

Hence this doesn't apply anymore to the current Jamtis specs.

sga = SecretDerive("jamtis_generate_address_secret" || kvb)

I'm unsure where the current proposal is re: functionality, would like to again bring up PID preservation and Janus mitigations for main addresses

It's on my TODO list. It's not a one-line change in the specs.

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Completely understand :) Thanks for the ACK and sorry to be the bother.

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Hence this doesn't apply anymore to the current Jamtis specs.

Right. However, deriving sga from kvb instead of dvr still doesn't stop a DLP solver from solving for kvb if a DLP solver knows KI, kgj, and kgsender. A solver could have kgj and kgsender exposed to them in other ways (e.g. being given an address index proof and an enote ownership proof for a spent enote). See Appendix A.2 and A.3 of Implementing Seraphis for address index and enote ownership proofs, respectively.

What we could do is define a "spendkey image" key ksi = Hksi(kvb) and use this key instead of the view-balance key when constructing the base spendkey: Ks = ksi G + km T. This way, if a DLP solver gets a hold of a public address, thus dvr, and thus all kgsender, then they will only be able to correlate the key images to enotes where they know the address index extensions (which they can't compute themselves since sga isn't derived from dvr anymore), and not the entire account. Still not ideal, but this somewhat compartmentalizes the damage.

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tevador commented May 14, 2024

What we could do is define a "spendkey image" key ksi = Hksi(kvb) and use this key instead of the view-balance key when constructing the base spendkey: Ks = ksi G + km T

AFAICS, this doesn't help. If the DLP solver knows Ks (which you assume they do, e.g. from an address index proof), learning ksi means they can just calculate km = DLog(Ks - ksi G, T), which leaks everything about the wallet.

We would need something like this:

s_m (master secret)
 +- k_ps (prove-spend key)
 +- s_vb (view-balance secret)
     +- k_gi (generate-image key)
     +- s_vr (view-received secret)
         +- d_ur (unlock-received key)
         +- d_fa (filter-assist key)
         +- s_ga (generate-address secret)
             +- s_ct (cipher-tag secret)

The public spend key is calculated as K_s = k_gi G + k_ps T.

Unfortunately, the DLP solver still learns everything about the wallet if you ever give away your AddrGen wallet tier (for example, to a 3rd party service that can generate payment addresses on demand). I'm not sure if there is a way to fix that and make AddrGen safer to share.

Edit: slightly better key hierarchy for view-received.

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tevador commented May 15, 2024

I made two updates to the specs:

  1. Restored the encrypted payment ID field for 2-output transactions. This enables Janus attack mitigations for all legacy addresses.
  2. Improved the private key hierarchy. Jamtis wallets will now only lose forward privacy for payments associated with publicly known addresses.
    • The new hierachy never uses elliptic curve private keys to derive child keys. This prevents a DLP solver from learning any additional keys apart from those leaked by the discrete log.
    • The previous view-received key d_vr, which was used for two different DH exchanges, was split into two new keys d_ur (unlock-received key) and d_ir (identify-received key). Also the filter-assist key d_fa is now derived independently, so a DLP solver needs to solve 3 distinct discrete logs in order to learn the shared secrets associated with a public address.

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jeffro256 commented May 16, 2024

Even with these different derivation schemes, a DLP solver with only one of your public addresses can correlate key images to the incoming enotes for all addresses where 2 or more enotes to that address were spent, as well as correlate the enotes made out to the same address. As we've already established, the DLP solver knows dvr and thus kgsender for all incoming enotes. For any two key images KI1 and KI2, the attacker can calculate address-generate-image components kagi,1 = dlog(KI1, Hp(Ko,1)) - kg,1sender and kagi,2 = dlog(KI2, Hp(Ko,2)) - kg,2sender. If kagi,1 = kagi,2, then KI1 is the key image for Ko,1, KI2 is the key image for Ko,2, and Ko,1 and Ko,2 were made out to the same public address. This can all be done without knowledge of sga or any address index extensions.

Edit: they can only do this for known public addresses as @tevador points out below

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tevador commented May 16, 2024

the DLP solver knows d_vr and thus k_g^sender for all incoming enotes

Not true. In order to get the key extensions, you need to know the shared key X3 = (daj / dur) De. The DLP solver will only know daj / dur for public addresses.

The DLP solver will however know the key dir, so they will be able to decrypt the nominal address tags even for addresses they don't know. This will leak incoming payments in case the same (unknown) address is used 2 or more times. However, spends from such addresses cannot be identified, as well as any secrets derived from the shared key X3 (e.g. the amount or any additional encrypted memos).

Also all self-spends are safe, even if they use a public address.

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tevador commented May 17, 2024

I added Appendix B, which talks about the forward secrecy properties.

The summary is in this table:

ECDLP solver knows Legacy wallet Jamtis wallet
just blockchain data private1 private
one public address complete privacy loss privacy loss for external e-notes to that address
medium privacy reduction for other external e-notes
small privacy reduction for internal e-notes
all public addresses2 - privacy loss for all external e-notes
small privacy reduction for internal e-notes
  1. Except of e-notes received under the old transaction protocol
  2. Access to the GenAddr wallet tier

I also renamed "self-spends/self-sends" to "internal e-notes" because I find that term clearer. The opposite are "external e-notes". There are also some additional small tweaks in the specs (e.g. renaming kgsender to kgo for readability).

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jeffro256 commented May 27, 2024

Why does the private address key daj bind to the account pubkeys? The most notable here is Dur, which would reveal dur to a DLP solver in an address index proof where it wouldn't otherwise be revealed by knowing a public address.

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tevador commented May 27, 2024

Without binding to all public keys, how would you prove that an address is constructed correctly?

If proving just the spend key is enough, we can remove the public keys from the daj derivation, although the same can be achieved by simply not sharing Dur, Dfa, Dir.

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There's a relevant issue here: UkoeHB/Seraphis#8. I'm not convinced binding is necessary actually, and might retract my comment here:

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jeffro256 commented Jul 15, 2024

We need another Janus protection path for 2-ouput shared De transactions to legacy addresses, preferably one where we can mix legacy and Jamtis destinations together. There's the issue with rederiving de for Janus protection in 2-output transactions: we only have one de but need to recompute it with two different pairs of addresses (the external recipient and our change address). Doing that requires finding a hash collision. I suggest for change enotes, we send to a "secret" change subaddress spend pubkey. If this secret change subaddress spend pubkey is revealed, then people can perform Janus attacks on you. Similar to how subaddress spend pubkeys are generated Ksj = Ks + H_n(kv || j) G, we would generate the secret change subaddress spend pubkey as follows: Kschange = Ks + H_n(kv || Ks || "secret change subaddress spend pubkey") G (but also with T generator extensions). We skip the de recomputation check if and only if subtracting the onetime extensions from the onetime address returns our secret change subadress spend pubkey.

Edit: bind the change address extensions to Ks to prevent recovering of the primary address spend pubkey from the change address.

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jeffro256 commented Jul 25, 2024

I suggest for change enotes, we send to a "secret" change subaddress spend pubkey.

I've got a better idea. Having a secret change change subaddresses doesn't work if you have multiple accounts. Having multiple secret change subaddresses sucks since we need a subaddress table for payment validators. There's also a UX problem where a bad dev might show that subaddress to the user accidentally. What we should do instead for selfsend enotes is set n = H16("jamtis_legacy_selfsend_n" || input_context || De || a || kv).

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There's an interesting indistinguishability problem here. A DLP solver will sometimes be able to determine whether an ephemeral pubkey De was constructed from a legacy main address vs legacy subaddress vs Jamtis address.

This is because the resulting set of points, for all x, y, z:

KeyDerive1(x) B                                      [Main Address]

is different from:

KeyDerive1(x) KeyDerive2(y) B                        [Subaddress]

is different from:

KeyDerive1(x) KeyDerive1(y) KeyDerive1(z) B          [Jamtis]

In other words, the KeyClamp1 function does not create a uniform distribution of discrete logs against "even" curve points, and thus performing arithmetic with those points sometimes leaks information about the structure of the operations when provided with just the result. We could fix this by not clamping de (in legacy and Jamtis) since, for any prime order group, performing the multiplicative operation against any non-zero element of the group for all non-zero elements will generate the group. Therefore, multiplying any prime-order point by a uniformly random scalar in [0, l) will result in a uniformly random point in the prime order subgroup (at least for the "even" points). However, this means that the senders cannot do the standard X25519 scalar-point multiplication with a Montgomery ladder. IMHO, this is a relatively small issue compared to whether the recipient gets to do the standard X25519 scalar-point multiplication.

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